烂筒是近年来香菇菌筒上发生的一种新病害,危害脱袋转色阶段和出菇管理阶段的菌筒。在潮湿高温的气候条件下,仅3~5天就会爆发危害。针对烂筒现象,笔者进行了调查与研究,并把防治措施应用于大生产,取得良好效果。现简介如下: 一、病原菌:采集不同地方的烂筒样品,取发病部位进行分离培养和镜检,发现引起烂筒的病原菌,尽管其菌落上绿色孢子的颜色深浅稍有差异,但均是木霉属
Rotten tube is a new disease occurred in the fungus tube in recent years, endangering bagging color stage and fruiting tube stage management. In damp and hot climates, a hazard can only occur in 3 to 5 days. For the phenomenon of rotten tube, the author conducted a survey and research, and prevention and control measures applied to large-scale production, achieved good results. The brief introduction is as follows: First, the pathogen: collected in different parts of the rotten tube samples taken from the pathogenesis of isolated culture and microscopic examination and found that cause rotten tube pathogen, although the colony of green spores of the color depth of slightly different, but are wood Mold