Identification and separation of local and nonlocal optical nonlinear refraction effects: theory and

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Understanding the nonlinear optical effect of novel materials plays a crucial role in the fields of photonics and optoelectronics. Herein, we theoretically and experimentally investigate the simultaneous presence of third-order locally refractive nonlinearity and thermally induced nonlocal nonlinearity saturation. We present analytical expressions for the closed-aperture Z-scan trace and the number of spatial self-phase modulation (SSPM) rings, which allows one to unambiguously and conveniently separate the contributions of local and nonlocal nonlinear refraction in the case that both effects occur simultaneously. As a test, we study both the local and thermally induced nonlocal nonlinear refraction in fullerene/toluene solution by performing continuous-wave Z-scan and SSPM measurements at two different wavelengths. This work enriches the understanding of the physical mechanism of the optical nonlinear refraction effect in solution dispersions of nanomaterials, which can be exploited for nonlinear photonic devices.
基于黑体辐射原理的蓝宝石光纤温度传感器,测温范围为800~2000 ℃,响应时间在10-2 s数量级,可进行恶劣环境下瞬态高温的高精度测量,近年来得到了较广泛的应用。蓝宝石光纤温度传感器的非线性制约和影响传感器的精度和稳定性。为了解决测量中存在的非线性问题,首先分析了蓝宝石光纤温度传感器的测温原理和非线性产生机理;其次结合蓝宝石光纤温度传感器的非线性特性,设计了基于分段线性插值和样条插值的线性化算法,并用Matlab编写了线性化程序以及相关的信号处理程序。实验结果表明,该方法能很好地实现对蓝宝石光纤温度传