1 Case Profile Patients, female, 58 years old, 6 years of natural menopause. Because of “abdominal pain for 9 days and found pelvic mass 1 day ” admission. The patient had abdominal distension 9 days before no incentive, followed by lower abdominal pain, with lumbar pain, left waist is even more, no nausea, no diarrhea constipation, no chills fever, no vaginal bleeding, occasional urinary frequency. One day before admission urology clinic, urinary urinary occult blood prompted prompt 2+, urinary ultrasound prompted mild left kidney water. Abdominal CT scan showed a slightly wider left renal pelvis, uterine irregular shape and uneven density. Gynecological ultrasound prompted the rear of the uterus about 10cm × 8cm mass, then