摘要: 本文结合作者的教学实践,探讨了如何在英语词汇教学中改变传统的“填鸭”模式,通过多种途径增添课堂教学的趣味性,激活学生的思维,引导学生主动地去感知、理解和运用语言。
关键词: 课堂教学 英语词汇 趣味教学
借助一些趣味性的谜语或问题,能迅速使学生集中注意力,激活思维,投入词汇学习。在高一年级的一堂词汇课上,当讨论到“time”一词的搭配时,笔者给出了这样一个谜语:Why does time always fly? 顿时间一石激起千层浪,有的学生说:“Because it is fast.”有的学生说:“Because it never waits for us.”……笔者笑而不语,在全班学生急切眼神的“催促”下,给出了谜底:That’s because so many people want to kill it.见学生有些不解,笔者解释说:“When you have nothing to do and want to make time seem to pass more quickly,you may kill time by doing something like playing cards or doing some shopping...”这时大家意会到了“kill time”指的是“消磨时光,打发时间”。接着,笔者进一步引申: “As we know, time isprecious for everyone.Just as a saying goes,‘Time and tide wait for no man’,so we should try our best tomake full use of timeand develop a good habit of getting everything doneon timeorahead of timeinstead ofwasting time onmeaningless things.Do remember,tosave timeis to lengthen our life.”就这样,在不知不觉中,有关time的一些短语搭配被融入了具体的情境中,使词汇教学顿时充满了生机和活力。
(1)Why is a river always rich?
(key: Because it has twobanks.)引出bank 的“银行”、“河岸”之意。
(2)Why is a ship one of the most polite things on earth?
(key:Because it always advances with abow.)引出bow的“船头”、“鞠躬”之意。
(3)Why is taxi drivers’business so bad?
(key:Because theydrive awayall his customers)因为“drive away”兼有“驾车开走”和“驱赶,撵走”之意。
(4) Why is life the hardest riddle?
(key: Because we all have togive it up.),“give up”既可表示“放弃”,又可表示“中止、停止”。
在课堂教学中,学生难免会对一些问题有着独特的思考,当他们的思路偏离教师预设的“轨道”时,不少教师由于只顾及完成教学进度,而对学生的“脱轨现象”采取了“回避”的态度,有的甚至会打断学生的思路,将其强行“拉”回自己预设的轨道,这种做法无疑会大大挫伤学生的学习积极性,不利于学生的个性思维发展。如果教师能充分利用课堂教学中这样的即时生成资源,借其推进教学进程,不仅能活跃课堂气氛,而且会使教学内容更为丰富多彩。在高三的一节词汇复习课上,笔者在与学生讨论了battle,fight,war,struggle这一组近义词后,为了进一步衍生出argue,quarrel,conflict,friction,disagreement等相关词汇,笔者提问:“What usually happens before a fight?”可出乎意料的是,一位学生回答说:“People will bow to each other.”当时全班都愣了一下,随即爆发出一阵大笑,原来这位学生对体育运动比较感兴趣,他联想到了柔道比赛前参赛选手要相互鞠躬致意,笔者当时赞许道:“Oh,great! That’s a good way to show respect for our competitor.”同时借机帮助学生复习了“bow”的一些其它含义,如在“rainbow”(彩虹)中“bow”意为“弓”,“bow to sb.”中“bow”意为“低头,屈服”。接下来笔者又问其他学生:“Any different opinion?” 又有一位学生冒出一句:“要准备好武器!”班里又是一阵大笑,笔者顺着这位学生的思路说,“I’m afraid that would be a bloody fight... Then what’s the English for‘WuQi(武器)’,who knows?”有学生回应说:“weapon!”笔者继续和学生进行互动:
T: You are quite right!Can you give us some examples?
S1: Gun (枪)!
S2: Explode (爆炸)!
T: You mean something that can explode?
S2: Yes.
T: We call that bomb(炸弹).Anything else?
S3: Knife (短刀,匕首)!
S4: Tear gas (催泪瓦斯)!
T: Yeah,how clever you are!And I suppose such things as bullet(子弹)and powder(火药,炸药)are also necessary.Besides,in a modern war,you may find some new weapons such as atom bomb(原子弹)and missile(导弹).Those weapons are really destructive and may claim countless lives and cause considerable economic losses.A war involving weapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器)will undoubtedly be a disaster to us mankind.So do you think it’s a good way to deal with variousarguments and conflicts ?
T:Then what should we do to solve the problem?
S5:We should control ourselves and calm down.
S6:Try to be patient and exchange ideas with others in a friendly way.
S7:Talk with each other openly and sometimes compromise is very important.
S8:We should learn to consider a problem from another angle and don’t be self-centered.
T:Wonderful!I agree with you.And in our daily life,when some disagreement or friction occurs between us and our parents,friends or neighbors,we should also try our best to avoid bitterquarrellingand find a peaceful solution to our problems.Do you agree?
在英语词汇教学中,我们经常会涉及近义词辨析或是同根词的衍生问题。笔者发现,如果只是单纯地以说教的方式将语言知识点灌输给学生,他们往往只会死记硬背、生搬硬套,遗忘率也相当高。于是笔者在课堂教学中开始尝试讲一些小故事,通过“剧情”让学生主动地去感知其中一些词汇的意义和用法。如在高三年级牛津英语教材(江苏版)第九模块Unit 4 “Biblical Idioms in English”一文中,有这么一句话:“Biblical idioms originally had straightforward and clear meanings because they were often meant to underline the moral of a story and to give audiences an image to help them understand the story better.”当时围绕“image”一词,笔者结合自己的亲身经历,讲了这样一个小故事:“When I was a little child,I often imagined being a teacher in the future.And from time to time,differentimagesof a teacher would occur in my mind.One day,my parents went to work and I was left alone at home.Hoping to do something interesting,I placed some small chairs in my room...Boys and girls,can you guess what I would do next?”学生一时间议论纷纷,对接下来的“剧情”作出各种各样的猜测。当有学生答道“You would give a class to your students.”时,笔者赞许道:“How clever you are! I wanted to give a class and those chairs were myimaginary(假想的)students.”他们笑了,还有学生打趣地说:“How lovely you are! Full ofimagination.”笔者随即问全班学生:“Do you still remember an adjective with the same meaning?”这时大家意见不一,有的说是“ imaginable”,有的说是“imaginative”,笔者没有立即给出正确答案,而是在黑板上写了两个句子:Thomas Edison,this famous inventor,was full ofcreativeideas throughout his life.And it’sunderstandablefor him to try hatching some chickens when he was quite young.学生立即结合上下文,从两个划线词的意义中推断出了“-ive”和“-able”两个不同词缀的含义,从而得出“imaginative”是表示“富有想象力的”,而“imaginable”则是表示“可以想象得到的”,就这样,笔者通过一段“剧情”,帮助学生更好地理解和巩固了词根为“image”的一系列词汇。
又如在对usual,general,common,ordinary,normal这一组近义词的用法展开讨论的时候,笔者又设计了一段引人入胜的“剧情”:One day I went out for a walk after supper asusual.I was enjoying the beautiful night sky when something like UFO caught my eye.It landed quietly and some strange creatures came out.They had little in common with us ordinary people.And in general,their appearance didn’t leave me a good impression.Suddenly,one of them came over and caught me.Oh,that was a hot hand,the temperature of which might have been 100℃,much higher thannormal.I was hurt so badly that I let out a scream...Can you guess what happened next? 学生都听得聚精会神,非常急切地想知道下一步“剧情”,笔者便接下去说:“Well,then—— I woke up and all that had happened turned out to be a dream.”学生恍然大悟。紧接着,笔者要求学生结合这段“剧情”,讨论一下这组近义词在意义上的细微差别。很快大家达成了共识:“usual”常和人们的习惯有关,意为“惯常、通常”;“common”强调“人所共有”;“ordinary”指的是“普通,很平常,不出众”;“general”的意思是“普遍、笼统”,而“normal”指的是“正常情况”。之后笔者就此做一个小小的测试,要求学生选词填空,完成五个句子,结果班上仅有两位学生各犯了两个错误,全班的正确率达到了92.5%,取得了较理想的反馈结果。
关键词: 课堂教学 英语词汇 趣味教学
借助一些趣味性的谜语或问题,能迅速使学生集中注意力,激活思维,投入词汇学习。在高一年级的一堂词汇课上,当讨论到“time”一词的搭配时,笔者给出了这样一个谜语:Why does time always fly? 顿时间一石激起千层浪,有的学生说:“Because it is fast.”有的学生说:“Because it never waits for us.”……笔者笑而不语,在全班学生急切眼神的“催促”下,给出了谜底:That’s because so many people want to kill it.见学生有些不解,笔者解释说:“When you have nothing to do and want to make time seem to pass more quickly,you may kill time by doing something like playing cards or doing some shopping...”这时大家意会到了“kill time”指的是“消磨时光,打发时间”。接着,笔者进一步引申: “As we know, time isprecious for everyone.Just as a saying goes,‘Time and tide wait for no man’,so we should try our best tomake full use of timeand develop a good habit of getting everything doneon timeorahead of timeinstead ofwasting time onmeaningless things.Do remember,tosave timeis to lengthen our life.”就这样,在不知不觉中,有关time的一些短语搭配被融入了具体的情境中,使词汇教学顿时充满了生机和活力。
(1)Why is a river always rich?
(key: Because it has twobanks.)引出bank 的“银行”、“河岸”之意。
(2)Why is a ship one of the most polite things on earth?
(key:Because it always advances with abow.)引出bow的“船头”、“鞠躬”之意。
(3)Why is taxi drivers’business so bad?
(key:Because theydrive awayall his customers)因为“drive away”兼有“驾车开走”和“驱赶,撵走”之意。
(4) Why is life the hardest riddle?
(key: Because we all have togive it up.),“give up”既可表示“放弃”,又可表示“中止、停止”。
在课堂教学中,学生难免会对一些问题有着独特的思考,当他们的思路偏离教师预设的“轨道”时,不少教师由于只顾及完成教学进度,而对学生的“脱轨现象”采取了“回避”的态度,有的甚至会打断学生的思路,将其强行“拉”回自己预设的轨道,这种做法无疑会大大挫伤学生的学习积极性,不利于学生的个性思维发展。如果教师能充分利用课堂教学中这样的即时生成资源,借其推进教学进程,不仅能活跃课堂气氛,而且会使教学内容更为丰富多彩。在高三的一节词汇复习课上,笔者在与学生讨论了battle,fight,war,struggle这一组近义词后,为了进一步衍生出argue,quarrel,conflict,friction,disagreement等相关词汇,笔者提问:“What usually happens before a fight?”可出乎意料的是,一位学生回答说:“People will bow to each other.”当时全班都愣了一下,随即爆发出一阵大笑,原来这位学生对体育运动比较感兴趣,他联想到了柔道比赛前参赛选手要相互鞠躬致意,笔者当时赞许道:“Oh,great! That’s a good way to show respect for our competitor.”同时借机帮助学生复习了“bow”的一些其它含义,如在“rainbow”(彩虹)中“bow”意为“弓”,“bow to sb.”中“bow”意为“低头,屈服”。接下来笔者又问其他学生:“Any different opinion?” 又有一位学生冒出一句:“要准备好武器!”班里又是一阵大笑,笔者顺着这位学生的思路说,“I’m afraid that would be a bloody fight... Then what’s the English for‘WuQi(武器)’,who knows?”有学生回应说:“weapon!”笔者继续和学生进行互动:
T: You are quite right!Can you give us some examples?
S1: Gun (枪)!
S2: Explode (爆炸)!
T: You mean something that can explode?
S2: Yes.
T: We call that bomb(炸弹).Anything else?
S3: Knife (短刀,匕首)!
S4: Tear gas (催泪瓦斯)!
T: Yeah,how clever you are!And I suppose such things as bullet(子弹)and powder(火药,炸药)are also necessary.Besides,in a modern war,you may find some new weapons such as atom bomb(原子弹)and missile(导弹).Those weapons are really destructive and may claim countless lives and cause considerable economic losses.A war involving weapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器)will undoubtedly be a disaster to us mankind.So do you think it’s a good way to deal with variousarguments and conflicts ?
T:Then what should we do to solve the problem?
S5:We should control ourselves and calm down.
S6:Try to be patient and exchange ideas with others in a friendly way.
S7:Talk with each other openly and sometimes compromise is very important.
S8:We should learn to consider a problem from another angle and don’t be self-centered.
T:Wonderful!I agree with you.And in our daily life,when some disagreement or friction occurs between us and our parents,friends or neighbors,we should also try our best to avoid bitterquarrellingand find a peaceful solution to our problems.Do you agree?
在英语词汇教学中,我们经常会涉及近义词辨析或是同根词的衍生问题。笔者发现,如果只是单纯地以说教的方式将语言知识点灌输给学生,他们往往只会死记硬背、生搬硬套,遗忘率也相当高。于是笔者在课堂教学中开始尝试讲一些小故事,通过“剧情”让学生主动地去感知其中一些词汇的意义和用法。如在高三年级牛津英语教材(江苏版)第九模块Unit 4 “Biblical Idioms in English”一文中,有这么一句话:“Biblical idioms originally had straightforward and clear meanings because they were often meant to underline the moral of a story and to give audiences an image to help them understand the story better.”当时围绕“image”一词,笔者结合自己的亲身经历,讲了这样一个小故事:“When I was a little child,I often imagined being a teacher in the future.And from time to time,differentimagesof a teacher would occur in my mind.One day,my parents went to work and I was left alone at home.Hoping to do something interesting,I placed some small chairs in my room...Boys and girls,can you guess what I would do next?”学生一时间议论纷纷,对接下来的“剧情”作出各种各样的猜测。当有学生答道“You would give a class to your students.”时,笔者赞许道:“How clever you are! I wanted to give a class and those chairs were myimaginary(假想的)students.”他们笑了,还有学生打趣地说:“How lovely you are! Full ofimagination.”笔者随即问全班学生:“Do you still remember an adjective with the same meaning?”这时大家意见不一,有的说是“ imaginable”,有的说是“imaginative”,笔者没有立即给出正确答案,而是在黑板上写了两个句子:Thomas Edison,this famous inventor,was full ofcreativeideas throughout his life.And it’sunderstandablefor him to try hatching some chickens when he was quite young.学生立即结合上下文,从两个划线词的意义中推断出了“-ive”和“-able”两个不同词缀的含义,从而得出“imaginative”是表示“富有想象力的”,而“imaginable”则是表示“可以想象得到的”,就这样,笔者通过一段“剧情”,帮助学生更好地理解和巩固了词根为“image”的一系列词汇。
又如在对usual,general,common,ordinary,normal这一组近义词的用法展开讨论的时候,笔者又设计了一段引人入胜的“剧情”:One day I went out for a walk after supper asusual.I was enjoying the beautiful night sky when something like UFO caught my eye.It landed quietly and some strange creatures came out.They had little in common with us ordinary people.And in general,their appearance didn’t leave me a good impression.Suddenly,one of them came over and caught me.Oh,that was a hot hand,the temperature of which might have been 100℃,much higher thannormal.I was hurt so badly that I let out a scream...Can you guess what happened next? 学生都听得聚精会神,非常急切地想知道下一步“剧情”,笔者便接下去说:“Well,then—— I woke up and all that had happened turned out to be a dream.”学生恍然大悟。紧接着,笔者要求学生结合这段“剧情”,讨论一下这组近义词在意义上的细微差别。很快大家达成了共识:“usual”常和人们的习惯有关,意为“惯常、通常”;“common”强调“人所共有”;“ordinary”指的是“普通,很平常,不出众”;“general”的意思是“普遍、笼统”,而“normal”指的是“正常情况”。之后笔者就此做一个小小的测试,要求学生选词填空,完成五个句子,结果班上仅有两位学生各犯了两个错误,全班的正确率达到了92.5%,取得了较理想的反馈结果。