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80年代以来,中国学术理论界对建国后文学的研究,不仅开拓了崭新的局面,而且取得了突破性的进展,仅新编的文学史就有数十种之多。其中像张钟等人的《当代文学概观》、郭志刚等人的《中国当代文学史初稿》、华中师大编写组的《中国当代文学》,以及二十二院校编写组的《中 Since the 1980s, the research on Chinese literature after the founding of the PRC has not only opened up a completely new situation, but also made breakthrough progress. Only a dozen or so new literary history has been published. Among them are Zhang Zhong et al’s “Overview of Contemporary Literature”, Guo Zhigang et al., “The First Draft of Contemporary Chinese Literature”, “Contemporary Chinese Literature” written by the Central China Normal University, and "