早上,我们从宾馆出发了…… 打开车窗,微风轻轻吹拂着双颊,呼吸着草原的清新空气,使我感到精神振奋。 在出锡林浩特锡张公路55公里处,就是草甸草原和典型草原的交错处——有名的灰腾草原。下车后,看到这般美丽的景色,我高兴地在草地上奔跑起来。草原上到处是花,不仅近处有,远处还有,这里成了花海,一股股花香扑鼻而来。这些茂盛的草原植被,整体高度可达80厘米以上。如果你细心观察,可以发现每平方米内大致有20种以上的植物,有开着小黄花的线叶菊,还有开紫色小花的射干鸢尾,这里还有药用植物柴胡,开黄花,根部可以入药,柴胡注射液的主要成份就是它的根。
In the morning, we departed from the hotel ... Opened the window, the breeze gently blowing cheeks, breathing the fresh air of the grassland, I feel very excited. In the Xilinhot tin highway 55 kilometers, is the meadow grassland and the typical grassland at the intersection - the famous ash grassland. After getting off, to see such a beautiful scenery, I am happy to run up in the grass. There are flowers everywhere on the prairie, not only in the immediate vicinity, but also in the distance, where flowers have become the nostrils. These lush prairie vegetation, the overall height of up to 80 cm or more. If you look carefully, you can see that there are about 20 plants per square meter, with small yellow flowers on the leafy millet, as well as open the iris flowers Iris, there are medicinal plants Bupleurum, yellow flowers, roots can Medicine, Bupleurum injection is the main component of its roots.