1998年 11月 6日,河北省政府办公厅以“冀政办 (1998)11号”文件,给设区市政府和省政府各部门发出《关于印发〈河北省 1998年~ 2000年节水灌溉三年发展规划〉的通知》。《通知》说,该规划已经省政府同意,现印发你们,请认真贯彻落实。 3年来,我省节水灌溉事业得到很大发展,取得很大成绩,有力地推动了两个文明建设。回顾这些,我们不能不看到早在 3年前省领导就高瞻远瞩,作出集中时间、集中财力、集中领导、下定决心、大力发展节水灌溉的决定,并用具有法规约束力的政府文件发布实施,确保贯彻落实。 为了更好地回顾过去,总结经验,展望未来,本刊特将《河北省 1998年~ 2000年节水灌溉三年发展规划》刊登。
On November 6, 1998, the Hebei provincial government office issued a document entitled “Printing and Distributing of Water Saving Irrigation in Hebei Province from 1998 to 2000 with the Document” Hebei Provincial Government Office (1998) No. 11 “ Three-year development plan> notice. ” The “Notice” said that the plan has been approved by the provincial government and is now issued to you. Please conscientiously implement it. In the past three years, the province’s water-saving irrigation project has made great progress and achieved great success, which has effectively promoted the construction of two civilizations. In retrospect, we can not fail to see that as early as three years ago, the provincial leaders made a decision of concentrating time, concentrating financial resources, concentrating their leadership and determination and vigorously developing water-saving irrigation and issuing and implementing them with government regulations binding with laws and regulations. Make sure to implement it. In order to better review the past, sum up experience and look forward to the future, we hereby publish the “Three-year Development Plan of Water-saving Irrigation in Hebei Province from 1998 to 2000”.