不法商贩造假制假花样繁多,用硫磺熏蒸食品就是其中比较常见的一种。竹笋、银耳、干辣椒等各种干货以及馒头、包子等食品都是被硫磺熏蒸的常见对象。 购买食品不要为好看所迷惑 老百姓在选购食品的时候,都喜欢那些看上去新鲜又十分光亮的。但有些这样的食品就是一些不法商贩在利欲的驱使下,利用各种方法来“美化”他们的食
False traders make fake false variety, using fumigated sulfur food is one of the more common one. Bamboo shoots, white fungus, dried peppers and other dry goods, as well as steamed bread, buns and other foods are sulfur fumigation of common objects. Buying food Do not be fooled by good looks When people buy food, they all look fresh and shiny. But some of these foods are some unscrupulous traders, driven by the desire to use various methods to “beautify” their food