Distribution and Changes of Specification of Phosphorus in the Yellow Sea

来源 :Marine Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhmlivefor49
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The studies on the distribution and variation of the specification of phosphorus in the southern part of the Yellow Sea are made. The biogeochemistry of phosphorus in the Yellow Sea is discussed. The phosphorus is slightly higher in the bottom than in the surface waters in the southern part of the Yellow Sea and the dissolved organic phosphorus is the main form. The transfer patterns between various forms of particulate and dissolved phosphorus are different in the bottom and surface, probably due to the contribution of dissolved organic phosphorus. The distributions of dissolved inorganic phosphorus and dissolved organic phosphorus are mainly affected by the biological processes and could act as a prediction factor for the red tide. The supply of N and P in most of the areas in the southern part of the Yellow Sea is sufficient, without apparent limitation of N or P. The studies on the distribution and variation of the specification of phosphorus in the southern part of the Yellow Sea are made. The biogeochemistry of phosphorus in the Yellow Sea is discussed. The phosphorus is slightly higher in the bottom than in the surface waters in the southern part of the Yellow Sea and the dissolved organic phosphorus is the main form. The transfer patterns between various forms of particulate and dissolved phosphorus are in the bottom and surface, probably due to the contribution of dissolved organic phosphorus. and dissolved organic phosphorus are mainly affected by the biological processes and could act as a prediction factor for the red tide. The supply of N and P in most of the areas in the southern part of the Yellow Sea is sufficient, without apparent limitation of N or P.
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