Gesundheit曾报告9例分泌促甲状腺素的垂体腺癌患者,其中7例血清催乳素水平升高。虽然从甲亢角度看,并发高催乳素血症并不太常见,但这种异常性并不能单纯归咎于分泌促甲状腺素的腺瘤。 本文提及在某些甲亢病人尚可见巨催乳素血
Gesundheit has reported 9 cases of thyroid secretion of thyroid hormone in patients with pituitary adenocarcinoma, of which 7 cases of serum prolactin levels. Although hyperprolactinemia is less common with hyperthyroidism, this anomaly can not be attributed exclusively to thyroid-stimulating adenomas. This article mentions hypertrophy of patients with hyperthyroidism is still visible in the blood prolactin