血府逐淤汤出自清·王清任《医林改错》一书,方由当归、红花、桃仁、牛膝、生地、枳壳、赤芍、柴胡、桔梗、川芎、甘草等组成,原治“胸中血淤血府之证”。笔者在临床中以此方化裁加减,用于治疗胸痹、不寐、头痛、荨麻疹、发热等多种疾病,收效颇佳,现举例如下。1 头 痛 张
The Xuefu Zhuyu soup was written by Qing Qing Wang Qingren as a book of “Medical Forest Correction”, consisting of angelica, safflower, peach kernel, achyranthes, habitat, oyster shell, red peony root, Bupleurum root, Campanulaceae, Chuanxiong, licorice, etc. Governance “chest blood stasis syndrome”. In the clinical practice, the author has used this method to add or subtract, which is used to treat chest diseases, insomnia, headaches, urticaria, fever, and other diseases. The results are quite good. Here are some examples. 1 head pain