现在 ,交通运输事业的环境保护已成为一项重要的内容 ,制订强制性法规控制车辆的增长 ,促使在使用的车辆减少废气的排放 ,尤其是车队和管理人员 ,应该积极寻求使用天然气车辆。天然气车辆可以说比其他燃料更洁净 ,更少污染 ,因为采用天然气的发动机和液体燃料发动机相比 ,能减
Environmental protection in transportation has now become an important element. Mandatory regulations have been put in place to control the growth of vehicles and to reduce the emissions of used vehicles. In particular, fleet and management personnel should actively seek to use natural gas vehicles. Natural gas vehicles can be said to be cleaner and less polluting than other fuels because natural gas-powered engines can be reduced compared to liquid-fuel engines