
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tommy8248
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目的:了解天津市孕期妇女预防接种知识现状,探索对该人群开展健康干预方式。方法:对分层随机抽取的孕3个月到分娩在本市居住3个月及以上的孕妇在干预前后开展问卷调查,健康干预采用发放光盘和宣传手册2种方式。数据用χ2检验等方法分析。结果:干预前后分别调查714例和706例孕妇,随访率98.88%。干预前疫苗知晓率12.89%,干预后为42.72%(P<0.01)。干预前光盘和宣传手册组疫苗知晓率无差别,干预后光盘组高于宣传手册组(P<0.01);孕37周及以上人群干预后低于其他组(P<0.01)。95.52%的孕妇希望获得预防接种知识,最希望获取途径前3位为医生(56.72%)、专业书籍(31.23%)、专题讲座(26.61%)。结论:孕期妇女疫苗知晓率不高,该人群希望获取预防接种知识且健康干预效果明显。健康干预可以采取对孕20~36周孕妇发放宣传光盘和孕妇学校医生讲解相结合的方式。 Objective: To understand the current status of immunization knowledge among pregnant women in Tianjin and to explore ways of health intervention for this population. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted before and after intervention on pregnant women who were randomly selected from stratification for 3 months and delivered to the city for 3 months or more. The health interventions adopted two methods: CD release and manual. Data with χ2 test and other methods. Results: Before and after intervention, 714 cases and 706 pregnant women were investigated respectively. The follow-up rate was 98.88%. Before the intervention vaccine awareness rate of 12.89%, 42.72% after intervention (P <0.01). There was no difference between the pre-interventional CD and brochures in the group awareness of the vaccines. CD intervention was higher in the CD group than in the brochure group (P <0.01), and was lower in the 37-week-old and above intervention groups than in the other groups (P <0.01). 95.52% of the pregnant women wished to get the vaccination knowledge, the most hopeful access was the first three doctors (56.72%), professional books (31.23%) and special lectures (26.61%). Conclusion: The awareness rate of vaccine for pregnant women is not high, the population hopes to get the vaccination knowledge and the effect of health intervention is obvious. Health interventions can be taken on pregnant women 20 to 36 weeks pregnant women issued CD-ROM and pregnant women school doctors to explain the combination of ways.
根据Gartner Dataquest的分析报告显示:2005年ASIC和FPGA/PLD的增长率分别为3.9%和5.8%,而2006年,两者的增长率分别达到8.3%和13.4%。可以看到FPGA的发展速 According to th