水蛭(Hirude nipponica Whitman)俗称蚂蟥,属环节动物门、蛭纲。水蛭多生活在淡水中,少数生活在海水或咸水之中,还有一些陆生和两栖的种类。它们之中有些以吸取血液为生。水蛭是名贵的中药材,早在《神农本草经》就有关于水蛭入药的记载,文中称水蛭“主逐恶血、淤血、月闭、破血癜积聚、无子、利水道。”寥寥数语,简要地概括了水蛭的主要功效和临床应用范围,为后世医
Leech (Hirude nipponica Whitman) commonly known as leech, is a link animal door, Hirudo. Leechs live in freshwater, and the few live in seawater or salt water, as well as some terrestrial and amphibious species. Some of them take blood for their living. Leech is a valuable Chinese herbal medicine, as early as << Shen Nong’s Materia Medica >> on the records of leech into the medicine, the article said leech ’Lord by the evil blood, congestion, confinement, accumulation of blood purpura, no child, Lee Waterway. Language, a brief summary of the main efficacy of leeches and clinical application range, as a later doctor