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风水交互作用是干旱区常见的地貌现象和重要的地表过程,干旱区河流通过提供物源和场所控制沙漠分布的格局,沙漠分布与风沙活动制约河道发育和泥沙输移,在不同时空尺度表现不一,但关于二者交互作用的分类处于探索阶段,尚未形成分类体系,尤其在地貌格局分类上多为定性描述。因此,自西向东选择位于3个气候带的中国西部克里雅河、中部毛不拉格孔兑以及东部西拉木伦河,利用遥感影像解译获取河道与沙丘信息,探讨近源沙丘的分布与河型之间的组合关系。结果表明:河型、河流流向与风向之间的关系、水文以及距离河道的远近影响河道与沙丘组合的地貌格局;在河道—沙丘尺度上,划分为弯曲河道—对称式边滩沙丘、顺直河道—边滩沙丘、分汊河道—心滩式沙丘、网状河道—格状镶嵌式沙丘4种类型。 The interaction between Feng Shui and water is a common geomorphological phenomenon and an important surface process in the arid area. The distribution of deserts in the arid rivers controlled by the source and place of supply, desert distribution and aeolian activities restrict the development of the channels and sediment transport, However, the classification of the interaction between the two is in the exploratory stage, and no classification system has been formed yet. In particular, most of the classification of landscape patterns is qualitative description. Therefore, from west to east, we selected the Keliya River in west China, the central Bukang Rakonai and the eastern Xilamulun River in three climatic zones, and obtained the information of the rivers and dunes using remote sensing image interpretation, The relationship between distribution and river type. The results show that the river pattern, the relationship between the river flow direction and the wind direction, the hydrology, and the geomorphological pattern that affect the combination of the river course and the dune distance from the river course; on the river-dune scale, it is divided into curved river-symmetrical beach dunes, River - edge beach dune, sub-river - beach sand dune, mesh river - grid mosaic sand dune 4 types.
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目的探讨人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)E6/E7 mRNA及p16、Ki-67在低级别宫颈鳞状上皮病变(LSIL)中的表达情况及临床意义。方法选取222例宫颈病变患者,包括因子宫腺肌病或子宫肌瘤进行子