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海战史上,兵坛霸主曾多次更迭。1916年的英德两国间的日德兰大海战,可谓是大舰巨炮主义发展的颠峰。飞机的产生及在战争中的应用,对大舰巨炮海上作战模式提出了严峻的挑战,而使其走下海战神坛的却是舰与机的合璧——航空母舰的诞生。1918年英国改装成了世界上第一艘可搭载20架飞机的航空母舰,并用于轰炸德国空军基地的战斗。20世纪30年代前后,美、英、日、法等国先后改装和制造了一批航母。这些航母初具现代航母的形态,吨位航速得到加大,载机量最多可达到90架,战斗综合性能有了很大的提高。日本偷袭珍珠港时,没有使用大炮,仅以舰载飞机实施偷袭便大获成功。在随后的珊瑚海战役、中途岛战役 History of naval battle, military altar has repeatedly changed. The Battle of Jutland between England and Germany in 1916 can be described as the culmination of the development of large-ship artillery. The emergence of the aircraft and its application in the war posed a severe challenge to the naval combat model of a large ship and a huge battle of artillery. However, it was the combination of a ship and a machine - the birth of an aircraft carrier. In 1918 Britain was converted into the world’s first aircraft carrier capable of carrying 20 aircraft and used to bomb the German air base. Around the 1930s, the United States, Britain, Japan, France and other countries have converted and manufactured a number of aircraft carriers. These aircraft carriers have begun to take the shape of modern aircraft carriers. The tonnage speed has been increased. The carrying capacity can reach up to 90 and the overall combat performance has been greatly improved. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, it did not use artillery and succeeded only in launching a s-plane attack. In the ensuing Battle of the Coral Sea, Midway Battle
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The discovery of useful brine resources in the embayed coastal zone of Qingdao is an important achievement in research on potential underground brine resources