【出 处】
The classical molecular dynamics simulation has been used to study the equation of state of gas H2, D2and T2. It has also been investigated that the isotope mas
A new mechanism to introduce the mass of U(1) gauge field in supersymmetric U(1) gauge theory is discussed.The model has the strict local U(1) gauge symmetry a
Stability of Crystal Growth Face and Dissolution Face in Crystallization from Solution under Microgr
The stability of the shapes of crystal growth face and dissolution face in a two-dimensional mathematical model of crystal growth from solution under microgravi
当今歌坛,歌唱组合极为走红,各式各样的组合如雨后春笋般崛起。为了不落后于潮流,我们班的三个臭味相投的男生也搞了一个组合,还美其名曰:野狼歌唱组合。如果你想了解这群野狼,且让我慢慢道来。 NO.1、白眼狼。此狼乃“野狼”的“狼”头老大。一双绿豆般大小的“狼”眼藏于剑眉之下,远一看倒有几分像笑面“狼”。他有一个最大的特点——上天赐予了他一副“嘹亮”的歌喉。他本人为此也是高兴万分,时不时地唱上那么几句
The Double Self—Dual Gravity with Cosmological Term and Constraints Under the Double Constant Confor
The double constraint equations in the self-dual gravitational theory containing the cosmological term are derived in 3 + 1 gravity. Furthermore, in order to de
师范毕业那年,我有些不甘地分配到一所乡村中学教英语,任教的初一(4)班有35位学生。 刚接手的时候,由于缺乏经验,加之乡村的孩子英语底子薄,我始终教得不太顺心。有一次,我让大家预习一篇小短文(短短几句话),并布置回家抄写。第二天,我批改作业本的时候,发现只有王涛把单词抄得支离破碎,几乎每个单词都缺少一个或两个字母。 王涛平时不太爱说话,也从不举手发言,每次考试都拖班级的后腿,总是木木地坐在教室