尽管波长复用看起来似乎是PON技术演进的理想路径,它可以带来容量和可扩展性等诸多方面的好处,在一根光纤上承载多个波长是最大化光纤资源和网络投资的必经之路,但WDM PON技术在获得广泛应用之前必须成熟起来,而这仍需要2年或者更多的时间。WDM PON已经错过了上一波光网络建设的大潮,它起始于发达国家市场的那些领先运营商的FTTx建设,其后一些国家政府出台的国家高速宽带网络建设项目进一步推动了这一浪潮。未来4-5年中,新一轮更大的光纤网络的建设浪潮将掀起,它将由新兴市场的城市地区的FTTx建设带动,无线宽带的发展进一步推动,无论WDM PON拥有多么大的潜力,届时WDM PON必须成熟,这样其才能具有商用价值。
Although wavelength multiplexing seems to be an ideal path to PON evolution, it offers many benefits such as capacity and scalability. Having multiple wavelengths on one fiber is a must to maximize investment in fiber resources and networks The WDM PON technology must mature before it can be widely used, and it still takes 2 years or more. WDM PON has missed the wave of last-mile optical network construction, starting with the FTTx build from leading operators in developed markets, further boosted by national high-speed broadband network construction projects issued by several national governments. In the next 4-5 years, the wave of construction of a new round of larger optical fiber networks will be set off. It will be driven by the construction of FTTx in urban areas of emerging markets. The development of wireless broadband will further promote Whatever the potential of WDM PON WDM PON must mature, so that it can have commercial value.