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笔者近年来运用家传秘方,自拟百草霜丸治疗小儿顽固性脱肛数例,疗效显著,现整理如下:[组方配制]百草霜500克,研细末,过100目筛,蜂蜜600克制丸:取炼蜜(120℃)500克,和药时蜜温(100℃)与上药粉搅拌均匀,成滋润团块,分坨,搓条,制如梧桐子大,低温干燥,备用.[治疗方法]内服,每服6克,日二次,温开水送服;忌食辛辣物.[典型病例]易某,男,7岁.脱肛3年,多法医治无效,于1990年10月28日因咳嗽而续发,便出脱出较长,且便后鲜血淋漓,需用手上托方可纳回,求余诊之,见肛门脱出,局部紫赤,肿痛难忍,面白神倦.证为中气下陷所致顽固性脱肛.治以补中纳陷.收敛止血.投百草霜九一料内服,一月后夏诊痊愈,随访二年未发. In recent years, I use the secret recipe, since the preparation of 100 cases of refractory refractory infantile decoction in children, the curative effect is obvious, is now organized as follows: [prescription preparation] Herbs 500 grams, research fine, 100 mesh sieve, 600 grams honey Pills: take honey (120 ℃) ​​500 grams, and medicine when the honey temperature (100 ℃) with the powder stir, into nourishing clumps, sub-lumps, rub strips, such as sycamore big, low temperature drying, Treatment] Oral, 6 grams per serving, on the 2nd, warm water delivery service; eat spicy things. [Typical cases] Yi, male, 7 years old. On the 28th because of cough and continued hair, it will be out of the longer, and after the bloody, the need to be recuperated by hand on the trustee, seeking more than cure, see anus prolapse, partial purple, swelling and painful, face white God Tired of evidence of subsidence due to intractable rectal prolapse. Governance to fill in the trap. Convergent hemostatic .Bai Baicao cream nine one orally, one month after the summer clinic was cured, followed up for two years without hair.
摘要: 业余篮球是一种集篮球运动与街头文化于一体的篮球运动形式。自20世纪90年代以来,业余篮球运动在我国各大城市日渐流行并成为了广大青少年喜爱的时尚运动之一。篮球运动作为我国广大群众喜闻乐见的传统体育运动项目之一,为适应现阶段我国国情,满足群众日益增长的精神文化的需要,单一的篮球运动形式已无法迎合我国目前阶段群众对篮球运动的需求。因此,形式多样地开展和组织篮球运动成为广大篮球爱好者共同的呼声。业