爱新觉罗·溥仪(1906 ̄1967)是清朝末代皇帝,被辛亥革命的风暴赶下皇帝宝座。他虽然退位,但是仍然不甘心退出历史舞台,妄图复辟大清王朝,恢复腐朽没落的封建统治。日本为实现大陆政策,千方百计地在我国寻找为其服务的代理人。在各自利益的驱使下,“九·一八”事变前,溥仪终于和日本勾结在一起,成为日本的又一个利用工具。本文将通过对溥仪与日本这种勾结关系发展过程的阐述,分析各个时期的不同特征。
Aixinjueluo Pu Yi (1906 ~ 1967) is the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, was the storm of the Revolution of 1911 overthrow the throne. Although he abdicated, he was still not willing to withdraw from the stage of history and vainly attempt to restore the Qing dynasty and restore decadent feudal rule. In order to realize its mainland policy, Japan tried every possible means to find an agent for its service in our country. Pursued by their respective interests, Pu Yi finally collapsed with Japan before the “September 18 Incident” and became another tool used by Japan. This article will elaborate on the development process of the collusion between Pu Yi and Japan and analyze the different characteristics of each period.