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进入新世纪以来,随着国家对生态环境的日益重视以及森林资源也是战略资源的思想认识的转变,作为量化考核指标之一的森林覆盖率也日渐成了国与国、地区与地区进行横向对比的参考系。在此背景下,全国各地国有林场、集体林场纷纷开荒造林、封山育林、退耕还林,短短几年全国森林覆盖率在经过九十年代锐减之后又呈现出回升的态势,有些地方甚至超过50%,成了名副其实的“林木大省”、“森林城市”。由于我国山地众多耕地有限而山区人口分布广的国情,导致我国在“大跃进”式植树育林的同时,纷纷将侧重点放在种植速生林等经济林上,其实这也是解决山区贫困人口收入来源问题的一个符合实际的对策,但由于种种原因导致林木种植过程中出现了一系列问题,如种植结构单一造成林种结构失衡、人造林数量与质量的失衡、人造林与市场的失衡等,这些问题都需要纳入到经济适用的范畴来全局考虑。本文从分析当前林区营林生产中存在的问题入手,着重探讨了如何采用营林技术来解决营林过程中存在的问题,希望为林业经济的发展提供一些思路。 Since the beginning of the new century, with the increasing emphasis of the state on ecological environment and the transformation of forest resources from the strategic resources, the forest coverage as one of the indicators of quantitative assessment has gradually become horizontal across the country, the region and the region Reference frame of comparison. Against this background, state-owned forest farms and collective forest farms all over the country have started reforestation, closed hillsides and reforesting forests. In just a few years, the national forest coverage rate showed a rebound trend after the sharp drop in the 1990s. In some places, it even exceeded 50 %, Has become a veritable “forest big province ”, “forest city ”. Due to the limited farmland in our country and the wide distribution of population in the mountainous areas, our country led the focus of the rapid economic forest planted with fast-growing forests at the same time as the “Great Leap Forward” afforestation. In fact, this is also the solution to the incomes of the poor in the mountainous areas However, due to various reasons, a series of problems appeared during the planting of forest trees, such as the imbalance of forest structure caused by planting structure, the imbalance of quantity and quality of planted forests, unbalance of plantation and market, These issues need to be integrated into the economic area for global consideration. This article starts with the analysis of the existing problems in the forest management of forest production, and focuses on how to use the forest management techniques to solve the problems in the forest management and hopes to provide some ideas for the development of forestry economy.
目的 探讨云南省丘北县多种药物联合化疗实施25年后麻风仍持续传播的影响因素.方法 分别采用ELISA、PCR检测高流行区患者与家庭内接触者、普通人群血清中麻风菌特异性PGL-1抗
目的 探讨磷酸肌酸对糖尿病大鼠心肌缺血再灌注时细胞凋亡的影响.方法 雄性SD大鼠,体重150~170 g,采用高脂饲养联合腹腔注射链脲佐菌素的方法制备糖尿病模型,造模成功的27只大
患者男性,36岁,发现右腋窝肿物1年,肿物逐渐长大,于2009年12月3日入院.入院查体:右腋窝扪及肿物,大小约7 cm×5 cm,位置较深,质硬,边界不清,皮肤无异常.
目的 探讨体感诱发电位(SEP)监测技术在颅内前循环动脉瘤血管内介入治疗中的应用价值.方法 将2007年3月至2010年7月期间102例前循环动脉瘤血管介入栓塞术患者根据研究开始前
目的 探讨E选择素、P选择素在结节性血管炎中的意义.方法 分别检测70例结节性血管炎及24例正常皮肤组织中E选择素、P选择素的表达情况,比较两组间E选择素、P选择素表达的差异
目的 研究RNA干扰抑制食管癌EC9706细胞中3-磷酸肌醇依赖性蛋白激酶 1(PDK1)的表达及其对肿瘤细胞恶性生物学行为的影响.方法 以PDK1 siRNA转染EC9706细胞,分别采用逆转录聚
目的 分析HLA高分辨等位基因与骨髓移植术后HCMVpp65抗原血症的相关性.方法 选取2009年2月至2010年10月在我院行骨髓移植术患者48例;采用免疫组化方法检测患者HCMVpp65,采用
通过Al Ferron络合比色动力学分析 ,对Al(Ⅲ )的形态进行了较为准确的划分和计算 ,考察了工艺条件对动力学参数和铝形态分布的影响 .研究表明 ,铝的初始浓度、合成温度对Alb