It is important to clarify the relationship between the flowering habit and the rate of outcrossing of japonica CMS lines and is an important basis for breeding high-yield japonica CMS lines. Based on the observation of natural outcrossing rate of 284 Dian-type Japonica CMS lines and the flowering traits of some CMS lines, we found that the cross between the male sterile lines of Japonica through natural comparison The rate of seed setting varied greatly. Most of the male sterile lines had lower natural rate of outcrossing, but also identified a few CMS lines with high rate of outcrossing. Correlation analysis showed that the opening angle of spikelets was significantly and positively correlated with the natural outcrossing rate of japonica CMS lines. Through the detailed observation and analysis of the flowering traits of the three CMS lines, it was shown that flowering concentration is an important factor affecting the outcrossing rate of japonica CMS lines. In the breeding practice of japonica CMS lines, we should increase the openness angle and flowering concentration of sterile lines to improve the outcrossing rate of japonica CMS line.