自从AGP3.0、USB2.0、串行ATA(Serial ATA)等规范出台后,各主板厂家分别推出新品给予支持。支持先进技术是好的,但集成众多先进技术于一身,成本一下子提高了不少,因此上市的新品主板价格也高得离谱,消费者就只剩下欣赏的份了。商家不得不借新年促销之际,在高端主板上大做文章,买一送一、降价、抽奖等促销活动迭起,也正因为促销使得主板的价格整体小幅下滑。在极力推出高端主板的同时,厂家并没有放弃低端市场的争夺,Intel 845D和AMD KT266A系列主板促销依旧火爆,主要体现在新低价格方面,以价格诱人。
Since the AGP3.0, USB2.0, Serial ATA (Serial ATA) and other specifications introduced, the motherboard manufacturers were introduced to support new products. Support advanced technology is good, but the integration of many advanced technologies in one, the cost suddenly increased a lot, so the listing of new motherboard prices are far outrageous, consumers only enjoy the share. Businesses have to borrow the occasion of the New Year promotion, a big fuss in the high-end motherboard, buy one get one, price, lottery and other promotional activities one after another, it is because of the promotion makes the motherboard overall price fell slightly. Vigorously introduced high-end motherboard at the same time, the manufacturers did not give up the low-end market competition, Intel 845D and AMD KT266A series motherboard sales are still popular, mainly reflected in the new low price, attractive price.