Electrical im pedance tom ography reconstruction algorithm based on general inversion theoryand fini

来源 :第四军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyalil
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improve the noise performance, the algorithm is modified by attenuating the condition number of the forward matrix F and implemented using an improved FEM scheme, to obtain the 2D image of impedance change (dynamic image). This modified general inversion algorithm (MGIA) can be used on a larger dimension FEM model (248 elements) and is more practical than the GIA. When implementing this algorithm in computer simulation and in a physical phantom, it is found that the MGIA has a smaller reconstruction error than the currently used algorithms (equipotential back projection algorithm and filtered spectral expansion algorithm). With 0 1% white noise in the data, the algorithm can still reconstruct images of a complicated model. Further improvements are also discussed. improve the noise performance, the algorithm is modified by attenuating the condition number of the forward matrix F and implemented using an improved FEM scheme, to obtain the 2D image of impedance change (dynamic image). This modified general inversion algorithm (MGIA) can be used on a larger dimension FEM model (248 elements) and is more practical than the GIA. When implementing this algorithm in computer simulation and in a physical phantom, it is found that the MGIA has a smaller reconstruction error than the currently used algorithms (equipotential back projection algorithm and filtered spectral expansion algorithm. With 0 1% white noise in the data, the algorithm can still reconstruct images of a complicated model. Further improvements are also discussed.
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