“今年上半年,特别是进入主汛期以来,受多次局地和区域性强降雨影响,我区共发生地质灾害236起,造成7人死亡,19人受伤,直接经济损失0.16亿元……”2015年7月16日,在柳州市召开的全国地质灾害气象预警预报工作协调领导小组第三次会议上,广西国土资源厅厅长肖建刚直截了当的开场白,让每一位与会者强烈地感受到广西地质灾害防治工作的严峻性和紧迫性。广西是地质灾害多发区。据调查统计,全区109个县级行政区域都有成灾记录。截至2015年5月,全区有地质灾害隐患点9 860处,排查出地质灾害易发村5 339个,受威胁人数195.05万人,威胁财产
“In the first half of this year, especially since entering the main flood season, a total of 236 geological disasters occurred in our district, resulting in 7 deaths and 19 injuries and direct economic losses of 16.6 billion yuan due to the multiple regional and regional heavy rains ... ... ”On July 16, 2015, at the third meeting of the Leading Group for the Coordination of Weather Forecast and Prediction of Geological Disasters held in Liuzhou City, Director General of Guangxi Land and Natural Resources Xiao Jiangang gave a straightforward opening speech so that each participant would strongly Feel the seriousness and urgency of prevention and treatment of geological disasters in Guangxi. Guangxi is a geological disaster prone area. According to the survey statistics, all the 109 county-level administrative regions have disaster records. As of May 2015, there were 9,860 geological hazard spots in the region, of which 5,339 were identified as prone areas for geological disasters, with 1.955 million people being threatened. Threats to property