凡事凡物都有优劣之别,好坏之分,这是事物一分为二的辩证。故在评“优”、评“佳” 的同时,也有了评“劣”、评“差”。“评差”,犹如一杯苦涩的“醒酒茶”,其积极意义是不言而喻的。由此使人联想到广告。广告,尤其是电视广告,也有必要来评一评“差”。 产品广告,一半是经济,一半是文化;一半是宣传,一半是艺术;一半是商品,一半是形象;一半是信息,一半是享受……如今,鉴于广告,尤其是电视广告与人们关系日益密切。鉴于人们不仅仅需要信息,更需要视觉享受,因此,有必要进一步提高广告,尤其是电视广告的质量,使人们在接受商品信息的同时,也得到赏心悦目的艺术上的享受。实事求是地说,广告,尤其是电视广告在近几年得到迅猛发展之后,质量有所提高,然而,也不乏鱼目混珠的蹩脚之作。那些画面,那种动作,那
Everything has advantages and disadvantages of everything, good or bad, this is a dialectic of things divided into two. Therefore, in the evaluation of “excellent”, evaluation of “good” at the same time, also had a “bad” evaluation, “bad”. “Poor”, like a cup of bitter “hangover tea”, its positive significance is self-evident. This is reminiscent of advertising. Advertising, especially television advertising, is also necessary to comment on a “bad”. Half of the product advertising, half of the economy, half of the culture, half of the publicity, half of the art, half of the goods, half of the image, half of the information, half of the enjoyment ... Nowadays, in view of the increasingly close relationship between commercials, especially television commercials and people . In view of the fact that people not only need information, but also need visual enjoyment, it is necessary to further improve the quality of advertisements, especially television advertisements, so that people can receive pleasing artistic enjoyment while receiving the commodity information. To be realistic, the quality of advertisements, especially television advertisements, has risen sharply in recent years. However, there are still some unscrupulous works. Those pictures, that kind of action, that