Experimental study and clinical observation of minimum-contact plate in long bone fracture

来源 :中华创伤杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pyw520
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Objective: To sutdy the mechanical properties and the clinical results of minimum-contact plate in the treatment of fractures. Methods: Four-point bending and torsion tests were conducted to compare the new minimum contact plate (MCP) with dynamic compression plate (DCP) and limited contact dynamic compression plate (LC-DCP). The fracture healing time and growth of bony callus were observed in 29 cases of long bone fracture fixed with MCP to evaluate the advantages of this kind of plate. Results: The 29 patients who underwent MCP were followed up from 6 to 14 months. The average healing time for femoral, tibial and humeral fractures was 12, 13 and 10 weeks, respectively. All fractures were healed. No displacement of fracture, screw pullout, deformation or break of the plate were found. Conclusions: The bending stiffness of MCP is significantly greater than that of DCP and LC-DCP (P
目的 探索射频汽化技术在膝关节镜手术中的应用.方法 对70例膝关节病患者使用射频汽化仪,做镜下半月板部分切除、半月板成形、软骨成形、滑膜切除及韧带皱缩术.结果 自觉症状
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