孙林慧简历孙林慧,笔名孙菁,1 972年出生于山东莱阳。国家二级美术师,山东省美术家协会会员,山东省女书画家协会会员,烟台市美术家协会理事,现供职于栖霞市委宣传部。多年来笔耕不辍,学习期间受何家英、唐勇力、日本多摩大学教授市川保道等诸位先生指点,国画及岩彩画作品在国家、省、市各级美展中获奖。1 99 7年《紫荆花》荣获由文化部主办的“迎接‘97香
Sun Linhui resume Sun Linhui, pen name Sun Jing, born in 1972 in Laiyang, Shandong. National secondary artist, member of Shandong Artists Association, member of Shandong Women’s Calligraphers Association, director of Yantai Artists Association, now works in Propaganda Department of Qixia Municipal Party Committee. During his studies, He Jiaying, Tang Yongli, Professor Ichikawa of Japan Tama University, and other gentlemen gave pointers on his paintings. His paintings of traditional Chinese painting and rock paintings won the national, provincial and municipal art exhibitions at all levels. In 1997, ”Bauhinia“ won the ”Greeting" of 97 incense held by the Ministry of Culture