咨询是企协“八大功能”中的重要功能,企协的宗旨是为企业服务,咨询将“服务”具体化,几年来取得了很大的成绩,成为企业的智囊、参谋、助手。为此,我对咨询工作提出以下意见: 一、希望各级企协用优异咨询成果取得行政领导的关心和支持 咨询工作是一门新兴的智力服务业,虽然前几年已取得了一定成绩,但还没有完全打开局面。没有咨询质量,就没有信誉和发展,也就很难得到各级领导的关心和支持。因此,咨询工作一定要讲质量,每拿出一项咨询报告,都要保证企业的经济效益和社会效益。
Consultation is an important function of the “eight functions” of the Enterprise Association. The purpose of the association is to serve the enterprise. The consultation will concretize the “service”. It has made great achievements in the past few years and has become a think tank, staff, and assistant of the enterprise. To this end, I put forward the following opinions on the consulting work: I. I hope that all levels of the enterprise associations will use the excellent consulting results to obtain the care and support of the executive leadership. Consultation is an emerging intellectual service industry, although some achievements have been made in previous years. However, the situation has not yet been fully opened. Without consulting quality, there is no credibility and development, and it is difficult to get the care and support of leaders at all levels. Therefore, the consulting work must be quality-oriented. Every time a consulting report is produced, the economic and social benefits of the company must be guaranteed.