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2011年9月6日,全国地方志系统信息化建设经验交流会在山东省济南市召开,各省、自治区、直辖市地方志机构负责人及信息化建设相关人员,全军军事志指导小组办公室及武警部队编史办公室负责人,共130余人参加会议。会上,中国地方志指导小组办公室副主任刘玉宏总结了2008年以来全国地方志系统信息化建设情况,同时对地方志信息化建设提出建议。中国地方志指导小组秘书长兼办公室主任田嘉主持会议并作总结讲话。山东、上海、广东、四川、河南等省市代表在大会上作典型发言。与会各省市代表分组讨论了地方志系统信息化建设情况,进行经验交流。自治区地方志办公室主任李秋洪参加经验交流会并在讨论会上介绍广西地方志系统信息化建设情况。(赵东)《广西通志·国家税务志》评稿会在南宁召开 On September 6, 2011, a national exchange of experience in the construction of local history information systems was held in Jinan, Shandong Province. Leaders of local history agencies and informatization construction personnel of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Office of the Army’s Military Zhi Guidance Group and the Armed Police Force History office director, a total of more than 130 people attended the meeting. At the meeting, Liu Yurong, deputy director of the office of the Chinese local gazetteers’ steering group, summarized the construction of the information system of local chronicles in China since 2008, and put forward suggestions on the construction of local history information at the same time. Tian Jia, secretary-general and director of the office of the China Local Records Guidance Team, presided over the meeting and gave a concluding speech. Shandong, Shanghai, Guangdong, Sichuan, Henan and other provinces and municipalities to make a typical speech at the conference. Representatives of provinces and cities participating in the meeting discussed the construction of local history information systems and exchanged experiences. Autonomous Region Local Records Office Director Li Qiuhong attended the exchange of experiences and introduced at the seminar Guangxi local history information system construction. (Zhao Dong) “Guangxi Tongzhi National Tax Chi” review meeting was held in Nanning
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