“要使职工爱厂如家,首先得让企业像个家。”这是江苏省盐城市纺织厂厂长、党委书记徐忠建的一句口头禅。 去年4月,徐厂长上任伊始就深入车间、宿舍区,同职工拉家常。当他发现竟然还有360名单身女工住在又暗又湿、空气混浊的人防地下室时,心一下子揪紧了。“女工住宿问题非得解决不可,再不解决,我们做领导的就愧对职工。”“眼下资金紧张,女工住宿这类小事就缓一步吧。”有人提议道。徐厂长听了止色道:“主人的事再小也是大事。
“If you want to make your employees feel at home, you first need to make your business look like a home.” This is a mantra from Xu Zhongjian, factory director and party secretary of Yancheng Textile Factory in Jiangsu Province. Last year in April, director Xu Xu took office at the beginning of the depth of workshop, dormitory area, with workers pull home. When he found that there are still 360 single women living in the dark, wet, cloudy air defense basement, the heart suddenly tightened. “Women’s housing problems must be resolved, and then not resolved, we do the leadership of the workers on the unworthy of the staff.” “Now the capital shortage, women workers stay on such a trivial matter one step.” Someone suggested. Director Tsui heard only stop color: "The owner’s matter then small is a big deal.