各省、自治区、直辖市劳动(劳动和社会保障)厅(局): 现将《最高人民法院关于严禁冻结或划拨国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障资金的通知》(法[1999]228号)转发给你们,请遵照执行。劳动和社会保障部办公厅一九九九年十二月十日
Labor (Labor and Social Security) Offices (Offices) of All Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities Directly Under the Central Government: We hereby forward to you the Supreme People’s Court’s Notice on Prohibiting the Freezing or Allocation of Funds for Basic Livelihood Security for Laid-off Workers from State-owned Enterprises (No. Please follow the instructions. General Office of Labor and Social Security December 10, 1999