Mellissa Block (Host): Memories are a big part of our identities. Recalling our experiences helps us know who we are. Yet there are some events we can’t recall even though they may have helped shape our lives. These are things that occurred in the first three or four years of life.
Jon Hamilton: Francis Csedrik just turned eight and lives in Washington D.C. Like most kids, he remembers lots of important events in his life so far. There was the time he got a 1)concussion.
Francis Csedrik: I fell, head first, on a marble floor.
Hamilton: The day he watched the family car get stolen.
Francis: And my dad had to chase it down the block.
Hamilton: Then there was the morning he encountered an unexpected visitor.
Francis: A black bat sleeping right above our door.
Joanne Csedrik: The bat, oh, you remember that.
Hamilton: That’s Francis’s mom, Joanne Csedrik. She’s been asking her son about things that happened to him when he was four, or almost four. Then she asks him about an earlier event that took place when he was just three, a family trip to the Philippines.
Joanne: It was to celebrate someone’s birthday.
Francis: Mm-mm.
Joanne: You don’t remember? We took a long plane ride, two boat trips.
Francis: No, I don’t remember.
Hamilton: That’s not surprising. Patricia Bauer of Emory University says by the time most kids are seven or eight, they have started losing some of their early memories. And she says experiences will continue to disappear over the next few years.
Patricia Bauer: Most adults do not have memories of their lives for the first three to three and a half years.
Hamilton: Bauer says scientists once thought childhood amnesia occurred because the brains of young children simply couldn’t form lasting memories of events. Then in the 1980s, she and other researchers began testing the memories of children as young as nine months old, using gestures and objects instead of words.
Bauer: And what we found was that even as young as the second year of life, children had very 2)robust memories for these specific past events.
Hamilton: And that raised a question: If children can remember what happened in their early years...
Bauer: Why is it that as adults we have difficulty remembering that period of our lives?
Hamilton: Bauer says the evidence suggests that children are somehow losing access to their early memories. She wanted to know when this was happening. So she studied a group of children to see what happened to their memories over time. At age three, she says, the kids were recorded speaking with a parent about recent events. Bauer: They tended to be just everyday family activities, visiting an amusement park, a picnic, a visit from a relative.
Hamilton: Then as the kids got older, Bauer and her colleagues checked to see how much they remembered. She says children as old as seven could still recall most of the events.
Bauer: In contrast, the children who were eight and nine years of age, those children recalled fewer than 40% of the events. And so what we observed was actually the 3)onset of childhood 4)amnesia.
Hamilton: Francis Csedrik, who just turned eight, is right at the age when many childhood memories are fading.
Joanne: Do you remember celebrating your grandfather’s birthday in the Philippines?
Francis: Lolo Santo?
Joanne: No, not his birthday.
Hamilton: Joanne Csedrik says her son has clear memories of two more recent trips to the Philippines. But the one when he was three is gone. It’s not entirely clear why early memories are so 5)fragile. Bauer says it probably has to do with the structures and 6)circuits in the brain that store events for future recall.
Bauer: The brain systems that are responsible for forming memories at the age of three, three and a half, are still relatively immature. It doesn’t mean they’re not working at all, they certainly are. But they’re not working as efficiently and therefore not as effectively as they’re going to be working in later childhood and certainly in adulthood.
Hamilton: By the time children are seven or so, their brains are forming memories that are as robust as those formed by adults. Of course, some types of early memories are more likely than others to survive childhood amnesia. Carole Peterson, at Memorial University in Newfoundland, Canada, says one example is memories that carry a lot of emotion. She showed this in a study of children who’d been to a hospital emergency room when they were as young as two.
Carole Peterson: They had broken bones. They were 7)lacerated, had to be 8)stitched up. Things like that. So these were very emotional, very significant events. And what we have found is that even 10 years later, children have enormously good memory of them.
Hamilton: Francis Csedrik certainly remembers the events that led to his emergency room visit.
Francis: My friend Asher, he said: I want to carry you down the stairs. I didn’t want him to but he didn’t listen. He did it. And I fell, head first, on a marble floor. Joanne: And what did they tell you at the hospital? What did they call it?
Francis: A concussion.
Hamilton: That memory is from when Francis was four. But Peterson says a child in one of her studies remembered an event from when he was just 18 months old. It was the day his mother went to the hospital to give birth to a sibling.
Peterson: He remembers crying on the floor of the kitchen and he remembers how upset he was. And he can remember the pattern of his 9)teardrops on the 10)linoleum.
Hamilton: Findings like that are persuading 11)courts to allow more 12)eyewitness 13)testimony from children. Peterson says even very young children can be good witnesses if they are questioned in a 14)neutral way. She says another powerful 15)determinant of whether an early memory sticks is whether a child fashions it into a good story, with a time and place and a 16)coherent 17)sequence of events.
Peterson: Those are the kinds of memories that are going to last. Whereas memories like there was a flower growing up through a crack in the sidewalk, those are the ones that are more likely to be forgotten.
Hamilton: Because they aren’t part of a 18)narrative and have no context. And Peterson says that’s where parents can play a big role in what a child remembers. She says with some help, kids learn how to give shape and structure to their memories of an event.
Peterson: Follow the child’s lead. You add some more information and then encourage them to add more. So 19)essentially what you’re trying to do is co-construct a story. Hamilton: A story that won’t fade away. That’s something Joanne Csedrik and her son Francis have been doing ever since his concussion. He’s even written about the events of that day.
Francis: I just like writing that story because I just don’t want to forget it.
Joanne: Yeah, because it reminds you to be careful, right?
You don’t want to have that happen again.
Francis: Mm-mm. I think that’s a day I’ll always remember.
Hamilton: It’s not hard to see an 20)evolutionary reason for this. Kids who recall stories about danger or injuries are probably more likely to survive to become adults. Peterson says remembered stories become important for a different reason in adolescence. She says that’s when young people begin to create a larger 21)autobiography from their early narratives.
Peterson: When you start knitting them all together into a life story, you kind of put together a whole bunch of stories in order to explain why you are the kind of person you are. Hamilton: Researchers say a person’s life story usually includes at least some events that had been lost to childhood amnesia. That’s because when our own memories fail, we rely on family members, photo albums, and videos to fill in the blanks.
汉密尔顿:像这样的发现促使法院准许更多儿童证人来提供证词。彼得森说,如果用中立的方式进行提问,即使是很小的孩子也能成为一个好的证人。另一个证明(儿童)早期记忆存在的有利决定因素是看孩子能否将其组织成一个完整的故事,有时间、地点和一系列连贯的事件。 彼得森:这些记忆能够持续保留下来。但是像一朵花从路边的狭缝中长出来这样的记忆,就很有可能被忘记。
Gunther: At 90, I live with my memories which do extend to my earliest years. I can recall the people, the dog, layout and furniture in the apartment where I lived until age 4, even without any photos. That and my hobby of genealogy cause me to write my memoirs and document my four grandparents and family genealogy.
Maria: I was 2 when Turkey invaded Cyprus (1974) and I remember the war quite clearly, as well as episodes after the war itself ended. The same goes for other people my age. So I think it’s true that memories carrying strong emotions survive.
Kelly: For pretty much my whole life, I had a recurring nightmare of a face appearing in my window. Sometimes I had to protect my younger brother from it. In my 30’s, I told my mother about this dream (I was pregnant, and it was happening a lot). My mother explained that it wasn’t a dream: when I was a newborn, her doctor had said that she should let me “cry it out” at night. She didn’t like that, and would run around the outside of the house to look in on me. Clearly, this very early memory worked its way into my subconscious. I have not had that nightmare once since then.
Charlie: I remember when I was four, my mother made hotdogs by boiling them in a pan. I wanted another and she was busy, so I went over to the stove and reached up to grab the handle, but only managed to pull it over onto me and got second degree burns over my face and chest. I can still remember seeing the water pouring through the air at me and then I remember nothing. I’ve been told the brain removes some memories of trauma to protect itself and I can believe it.
Jon Hamilton: Francis Csedrik just turned eight and lives in Washington D.C. Like most kids, he remembers lots of important events in his life so far. There was the time he got a 1)concussion.
Francis Csedrik: I fell, head first, on a marble floor.
Hamilton: The day he watched the family car get stolen.
Francis: And my dad had to chase it down the block.
Hamilton: Then there was the morning he encountered an unexpected visitor.
Francis: A black bat sleeping right above our door.
Joanne Csedrik: The bat, oh, you remember that.
Hamilton: That’s Francis’s mom, Joanne Csedrik. She’s been asking her son about things that happened to him when he was four, or almost four. Then she asks him about an earlier event that took place when he was just three, a family trip to the Philippines.
Joanne: It was to celebrate someone’s birthday.
Francis: Mm-mm.
Joanne: You don’t remember? We took a long plane ride, two boat trips.
Francis: No, I don’t remember.
Hamilton: That’s not surprising. Patricia Bauer of Emory University says by the time most kids are seven or eight, they have started losing some of their early memories. And she says experiences will continue to disappear over the next few years.
Patricia Bauer: Most adults do not have memories of their lives for the first three to three and a half years.
Hamilton: Bauer says scientists once thought childhood amnesia occurred because the brains of young children simply couldn’t form lasting memories of events. Then in the 1980s, she and other researchers began testing the memories of children as young as nine months old, using gestures and objects instead of words.
Bauer: And what we found was that even as young as the second year of life, children had very 2)robust memories for these specific past events.
Hamilton: And that raised a question: If children can remember what happened in their early years...
Bauer: Why is it that as adults we have difficulty remembering that period of our lives?
Hamilton: Bauer says the evidence suggests that children are somehow losing access to their early memories. She wanted to know when this was happening. So she studied a group of children to see what happened to their memories over time. At age three, she says, the kids were recorded speaking with a parent about recent events. Bauer: They tended to be just everyday family activities, visiting an amusement park, a picnic, a visit from a relative.
Hamilton: Then as the kids got older, Bauer and her colleagues checked to see how much they remembered. She says children as old as seven could still recall most of the events.
Bauer: In contrast, the children who were eight and nine years of age, those children recalled fewer than 40% of the events. And so what we observed was actually the 3)onset of childhood 4)amnesia.
Hamilton: Francis Csedrik, who just turned eight, is right at the age when many childhood memories are fading.
Joanne: Do you remember celebrating your grandfather’s birthday in the Philippines?
Francis: Lolo Santo?
Joanne: No, not his birthday.
Hamilton: Joanne Csedrik says her son has clear memories of two more recent trips to the Philippines. But the one when he was three is gone. It’s not entirely clear why early memories are so 5)fragile. Bauer says it probably has to do with the structures and 6)circuits in the brain that store events for future recall.
Bauer: The brain systems that are responsible for forming memories at the age of three, three and a half, are still relatively immature. It doesn’t mean they’re not working at all, they certainly are. But they’re not working as efficiently and therefore not as effectively as they’re going to be working in later childhood and certainly in adulthood.
Hamilton: By the time children are seven or so, their brains are forming memories that are as robust as those formed by adults. Of course, some types of early memories are more likely than others to survive childhood amnesia. Carole Peterson, at Memorial University in Newfoundland, Canada, says one example is memories that carry a lot of emotion. She showed this in a study of children who’d been to a hospital emergency room when they were as young as two.
Carole Peterson: They had broken bones. They were 7)lacerated, had to be 8)stitched up. Things like that. So these were very emotional, very significant events. And what we have found is that even 10 years later, children have enormously good memory of them.
Hamilton: Francis Csedrik certainly remembers the events that led to his emergency room visit.
Francis: My friend Asher, he said: I want to carry you down the stairs. I didn’t want him to but he didn’t listen. He did it. And I fell, head first, on a marble floor. Joanne: And what did they tell you at the hospital? What did they call it?
Francis: A concussion.
Hamilton: That memory is from when Francis was four. But Peterson says a child in one of her studies remembered an event from when he was just 18 months old. It was the day his mother went to the hospital to give birth to a sibling.
Peterson: He remembers crying on the floor of the kitchen and he remembers how upset he was. And he can remember the pattern of his 9)teardrops on the 10)linoleum.
Hamilton: Findings like that are persuading 11)courts to allow more 12)eyewitness 13)testimony from children. Peterson says even very young children can be good witnesses if they are questioned in a 14)neutral way. She says another powerful 15)determinant of whether an early memory sticks is whether a child fashions it into a good story, with a time and place and a 16)coherent 17)sequence of events.
Peterson: Those are the kinds of memories that are going to last. Whereas memories like there was a flower growing up through a crack in the sidewalk, those are the ones that are more likely to be forgotten.
Hamilton: Because they aren’t part of a 18)narrative and have no context. And Peterson says that’s where parents can play a big role in what a child remembers. She says with some help, kids learn how to give shape and structure to their memories of an event.
Peterson: Follow the child’s lead. You add some more information and then encourage them to add more. So 19)essentially what you’re trying to do is co-construct a story. Hamilton: A story that won’t fade away. That’s something Joanne Csedrik and her son Francis have been doing ever since his concussion. He’s even written about the events of that day.
Francis: I just like writing that story because I just don’t want to forget it.
Joanne: Yeah, because it reminds you to be careful, right?
You don’t want to have that happen again.
Francis: Mm-mm. I think that’s a day I’ll always remember.
Hamilton: It’s not hard to see an 20)evolutionary reason for this. Kids who recall stories about danger or injuries are probably more likely to survive to become adults. Peterson says remembered stories become important for a different reason in adolescence. She says that’s when young people begin to create a larger 21)autobiography from their early narratives.
Peterson: When you start knitting them all together into a life story, you kind of put together a whole bunch of stories in order to explain why you are the kind of person you are. Hamilton: Researchers say a person’s life story usually includes at least some events that had been lost to childhood amnesia. That’s because when our own memories fail, we rely on family members, photo albums, and videos to fill in the blanks.
汉密尔顿:像这样的发现促使法院准许更多儿童证人来提供证词。彼得森说,如果用中立的方式进行提问,即使是很小的孩子也能成为一个好的证人。另一个证明(儿童)早期记忆存在的有利决定因素是看孩子能否将其组织成一个完整的故事,有时间、地点和一系列连贯的事件。 彼得森:这些记忆能够持续保留下来。但是像一朵花从路边的狭缝中长出来这样的记忆,就很有可能被忘记。
Gunther: At 90, I live with my memories which do extend to my earliest years. I can recall the people, the dog, layout and furniture in the apartment where I lived until age 4, even without any photos. That and my hobby of genealogy cause me to write my memoirs and document my four grandparents and family genealogy.
Maria: I was 2 when Turkey invaded Cyprus (1974) and I remember the war quite clearly, as well as episodes after the war itself ended. The same goes for other people my age. So I think it’s true that memories carrying strong emotions survive.
Kelly: For pretty much my whole life, I had a recurring nightmare of a face appearing in my window. Sometimes I had to protect my younger brother from it. In my 30’s, I told my mother about this dream (I was pregnant, and it was happening a lot). My mother explained that it wasn’t a dream: when I was a newborn, her doctor had said that she should let me “cry it out” at night. She didn’t like that, and would run around the outside of the house to look in on me. Clearly, this very early memory worked its way into my subconscious. I have not had that nightmare once since then.
Charlie: I remember when I was four, my mother made hotdogs by boiling them in a pan. I wanted another and she was busy, so I went over to the stove and reached up to grab the handle, but only managed to pull it over onto me and got second degree burns over my face and chest. I can still remember seeing the water pouring through the air at me and then I remember nothing. I’ve been told the brain removes some memories of trauma to protect itself and I can believe it.