近年来,“绿色”产品的概念日益受到发达国家越来越多的经济学家的重视。譬如,美国著名经济学家 W·科丁顿以自己的名义成立了一家环保产品经营部,直接参与“绿色”产品的开发,最近又在纽约出版了一本题为《环保销售——保障“绿色”消费的有效方法》的专著,从营销学的角度阐发了“绿色”产品的定位和销售问题。与此相对照,在我国“绿色”产品还没有成为经济理论界的热门话题,更谈不上全面的、有
In recent years, the concept of “green” products has been increasingly valued by more and more economists in developed countries. For example, the well-known American economist W. Coddington established an environmental protection product operation under his own name and directly participated in the development of “green” products. Recently, he published a new book titled “Environmental Protection-Saving” in New York. The monograph on “Green’s effective method of consumption” explains the positioning and sales of “green” products from a marketing perspective. In contrast, the “green” products in China have not yet become a hot topic in the economic theory circle, let alone a comprehensive one.