今年夏天詹明信(FredricJameson,另译杰姆逊 ,詹明信是他自己选定的中文名字)再次访华。距他一九八五年秋天的北大演讲 ,整整十七年过去了。可以毫不夸张地说 ,十七年来 ,他的存在不仅影响了当代中国文学批评和文化理论的外部轮廓 ,更改变了它内在的问题意识
This summer, Fredric Jameson visited China again. Jameson was also selected by his own Chinese name. A total of seventeen years passed from his speech at Peking University in the autumn of 1985. It is no exaggeration to say that for seventeen years his existence not only affected the external outline of contemporary Chinese literary criticism and cultural theory, but also changed his inherent problem awareness