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在内蒙古中部,锡林郭勒大草原正吸引着越来越多的游客置身其中,它的原始性、自然性、多样性和奇特性,令游人流连忘返。锡林郭勒草原,是一个富饶美丽的地方,幅员辽阔,代表着中国温带草原的面貌特征,被国内外确认为亚欧大陆典型草地类样板的“绿色宝地”。一提起北朝的《敕勒歌》,人们便想到那“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”的苍茫而富饶的美好风光景象,如果你到锡林郭勒草原去,就能深深地体会到诗中的境界。每当春夏,信马蹄及,千里草原绿草如茵,溪流潺潺,奇葩竞放,珍珠般的羊群散落在草原上,让你感觉到这是人间仙境。冬季,举目四望,则是寒凝大地,银妆素裹,极具苍茫壮阔之美。草原上,生长有芍药(又名野牡丹)、黄花(又名金针)以及名贵的发菜等极具经济价值的植物,开花季节,远远望去,漫山遍野,红、白、粉、黄花在绿草的映衬下煞是壮观,构成了美丽的景观。 In central Inner Mongolia, the Xilinguole prairie is attracting more and more tourists. Its primitiveness, naturalness, diversity and uniqueness make the tourists unforgettable. Xilin Gol Grassland is a rich and beautiful place with vast territory, representing the features of the temperate grassland in China. It has been recognized as a “green treasure” of typical grassland samples in Asia and Europe at home and abroad. Mention of the “Beileo Song” of the North dynasty reminds us of the magnificent and fertile scenery of “vastness of the sky, vast expanse of the wild, imperceptible signs and weaknesses of the beast,” and if you go to Xilin Gol Grassland, you will be able to deeply Experience the realm of poetry. Whenever the spring and summer, the letter Horseshoe and thousands of miles grassland green grass, gurgling streams, exotic competitions, pearl-like herds scattered in the prairie, make you feel this is paradise on earth. Winter, looked around, it is freezing earth, silver makeup wrapped, very magnificent magnificent beauty. Prairie, the growth of peony (also known as wild peony), yellow (also known as the lily) and valuable hairy and other economically valuable plants, flowering season, from afar, Manshanbianye, red, white, pink, yellow flowers Against the background of green grass is spectacular, constitutes a beautiful landscape.
Al2O3- Si- Al composite specimens with the size of25 mm × 25 mm × 125 mm were prepared using fused alumina( as aggregates and fines),ultra-fine α-Al2O3,Si an
子宫内膜异位症 (endometriosis,EM)是具有生长功能的子宫内膜组织 ,出现在子宫腔被覆粘膜以外的身体其他部位的一种具有恶性行为的良性病变 ,是生育期妇女的常见疾病。目前
今年6月1日是八达岭特区成立20周年纪念日。 毛泽东同志留下的那句不朽的诗句“不到长城非好汉”,在神州大地早已家喻户晓,甚至可以说在全世界的范围内也不会有几个人不知道