
来源 :中华女子学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dashunyy
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2004年10月,中国妇女研究会妇女教育专业委员会在上海同济大学召开了第二届年会暨女性学课程体系创建与发展研讨会,来自全国各地的大学与妇女院校及研究机构的近百名专家学者参加了会议。与会的专家学者就女性学课程体系创新与发展问题在会上进行了专题讲座和广泛的学术交流,对女性学科建设与创新发表了很好的见解,大会上代表们争先发言,气氛热烈,会下各位专家学者也互相交流,对女性学学科的创新与建设问题表现出了极为浓厚的兴趣。而不同的学术观点之间的激烈交锋与争论则是这次会议的亮点。会议期间,在厦门大学叶文振教授的建议下,由《中华女子学院学报》编辑部牵头专门组织了一次女性学课程建设创新与发展小型座谈会。参加这次座谈会的代表不乏全国各地的名家,代表们一致认为,就女性学学科的创新与发展有许多问题还值得作进一步深入的探讨,短短的几天会议,女性学学科建设与创新的许多有意义的话题还未展开讨论,有意犹未尽之感。故此,建议以笔谈的形式,围绕女性学学科建设与发展这一主题,在各自感兴趣的领域,写出二三千字的相关短文,作为此次会议主题的补充,汇集后刊登在《中华女子学院学报》上。会后中华女子学院院长张李玺教授又邀请了几位未参加会议的妇女研究方面的专家,一同参加了此次笔谈讨论,? In October 2004, the Women’s Education Committee of the China Women’s Research Society held the second annual conference cum seminar on the establishment and development of a curriculum system for women’s studies in Shanghai Tongji University. Nearly 100 university and women’s colleges and research institutions from all over the country Experts and scholars attended the meeting. The experts and scholars attending the symposium held special lectures and extensive academic exchanges on the innovation and development of the curriculum system of the women’s learning, and gave a good opinion on the discipline construction and innovation of the women. At the conference, the delegates took the lead in speaking and the atmosphere was warm. Experts and scholars from all walks of life also exchanged ideas with each other and showed great interest in the innovation and construction of women’s studies. The intense confrontation and controversy between different academic views are the highlights of this conference. During the conference, with the suggestion of Prof. Ye Wenzhen of Xiamen University, a small forum on innovation and development of curriculum construction for women’s studies was organized by the editorial department of “Journal of China Women’s University”. There are many representatives from all over the country attending the symposium. The delegates agreed that there are many problems in the innovation and development of the science of women’s studies. It is also worth further exploration. In a few days’ meetings, women’s discipline construction and innovation Many of the topics of interest have not yet been discussed, with an unknowable end. Therefore, it is suggested that written articles should be written in the form of pen-talk, focusing on the theme of the discipline construction and development of women’s studies. Two or three thousand words of related essay should be written in each area of ​​interest. As a supplement to the theme of the meeting, Journal of Women’s University ". After the meeting, Professor Zhang Liuxi, president of China Women’s University, invited several experts on women’s studies who did not attend the conference to join the discussion.
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