1 历代炮制概况 汉代张仲景曰:“皆破解,不(口父)咀,或炮或生,皆去黑皮,刀封取里白者”(《金匮玉函经》)。又有“大黄酒洗,酒浸蒸”的方法(《金匮要略方论》)。 华佗有“煨令香熟后切作片子炒取末”的方法(《华氏中藏经》)。 陶弘景曰:“破如朱豆,熬令黑及用米蒸制”(《本草经集注》)。 唐代孙思邈在《银海精微》中记述了大黄实者生用、虚者酒蒸、酒浸过炒、炙、酒炒、蒸少许、炒等炮制工艺。
1 Overview of the concoctions of the Han Dynasty Zhang Zhongjing said in the Han Dynasty: “All cracked, not (oral father) Tsui, or artillery or raw, are to go black, knife sealed inside the white person” (“Kim Sung Jade scripture”). There are also methods of “Rhubarb wine washing, wine dip steaming” (“Golden Treasure Yao Fang Fang Lun”). Hua Tuo has a method of “cutting the pieces and frying them at the end” (“Fahrenheit Tibetan Classics”). Tao Hongjing said: “Break like Zhudou, order black and steamed with rice” (“Ben Cao Jing Ji”). In the Tang Dynasty, Sun Sijun wrote about the use of rhubarb, the use of wine and steaming, wine immersed in stir-fried rice, stir-fry, stir-fry, steaming, frying and other cooking techniques.