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新世纪的到来总会给人以新的期待,虽然还得面对全球并没有因为时间上进入新纪元而减少的空间冲突。在全球文化产业发展中这种空间的冲突或不平衡更为突出,在市场的争夺中发达国家明显占强势。其中一个无法忽视、或者准确地说是无法不予充分讨论的国家就是美国。而美国电影作为整个文化产业中最具影响力也最盈利的工业更是必须面对的存在。美国电影称霸全球的确是一个奇迹,但在这种成功的背后是它完整、系统的电影工业体系。在百余年的实践中,美国电影在相对稳定的社会文化语境中逐步形成了组织结构庞大分工却极为缜密的生产、发行、放映系统,以开放但实用的眼光吸纳一切可能创造票房价值的技术成果、艺术天才和独特理念。贬斥、蔑视都无 The advent of a new century will always give new expectations, though we must face the global conflict that has not been reduced because of the passage of time into a new millennium. This space conflict or imbalance in the development of the global cultural industry is even more conspicuous. In the battle for the market, the developed countries have clearly taken a strong position. One of the countries that can not be ignored or, precisely, can not be fully discussed is the United States. American film, as one of the most influential and profitable industries in the entire cultural industry, must be faced with. It is indeed a miracle that American films dominate the world, but behind this success is its complete and systematic industrial system of films. In more than one hundred years of practice, American films have gradually formed in the relatively stable social and cultural context a huge production, distribution and screening system with a huge division of labor but with an open but practical perspective to absorb everything that may create box office value Technical achievements, artistic genius and unique ideas. Demoted, contempt at all