前不久,湖北省武汉市某水产养殖基地在给鱼池消毒时因超量使用漂白粉而引起鱼类大批死亡。近年来,因盲目使用氯性鱼用消毒药剂而造成鱼类“集体”中毒死亡的事例在各地也时有发生,常造成惨重的经济损失。为此,专家提醒:鱼池水体慎用氯性消毒药剂。 1.常用氯性消毒剂的正确选用 ①漂白粉。主要成分为次氯酸钙、氯化钙和氢氧化钙,对细菌、真菌、病毒均有不同程度的灭杀作用,主要用于细菌性鱼病的防治。鱼池消毒杀菌使用漂白粉时一般全池泼洒的浓度为1×10~(-6)。②二氯异氰尿酸钠含有效氯
Not long ago, Wuhan, Hubei Province, an aquaculture base in the fish pond disinfection due to excessive use of bleach caused a large number of fish died. In recent years, cases of “collective” poisoning of fish caused by the blind use of disinfectants for chlorine fish have also taken place from time to time, often resulting in heavy economic losses. To this end, experts advise: fish pond water caution chlorine disinfectant. 1. Commonly used chlorine disinfectant the correct choice ① bleach. The main components of calcium hypochlorite, calcium chloride and calcium hydroxide on bacteria, fungi, viruses have different degrees of killing, mainly for the prevention and treatment of bacterial fish diseases. Fish pond disinfection sterilization bleach when the general Quanchiposa concentration of 1 × 10 ~ (-6). ② sodium dichloroisocyanurate with effective chlorine