
来源 :古建园林技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaobailove2009
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窑洞民居是我国传统民居中独特的民居类型之一,在我国具有悠久的历史。尤其是我国古代人类最早活动、繁衍生息的黄河流域,由于自然地理环境、地质地貌特征和气象条件以及经济资源等等因素,长期以来发展了大量的黄土窑洞民居。时至今日,在黄河中上游流域广阔的黄土高原地面上,窑洞仍然是广大农村人 Cave dwellings are one of the unique types of dwelling houses in traditional Chinese dwellings and have a long history in our country. In particular, the earliest ancient human activities in our country, the Yellow River basin, which flourish and flourish, have long developed a large number of dwellings in the loess cave due to the factors of natural geography, geology and geomorphology, meteorological conditions and economic resources. Today, on the vast loess plateau in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, the cave is still the vast rural population