l生产系统简介及改造方案 云南省小龙潭煤矿布治坝露天矿区采用先进的斗轮挖掘机连续开采工艺,由48台设备组成表土剥离和采矿生产线,42台设备组成煤炭筛选配合系统又称地面系统。经三、四期改造后,两系统均采用PLC集中监控。矿区另设指挥调度系统,可调度系统各单机
Brief introduction of production system and modification plan The dam foundation of Xiaolongtan Mine in Yunnan Province adopts the continuous mining technology of bucket wheel excavator and consists of 48 equipments to form the topsoil stripping and mining production line, and 42 sets of equipment for coal screening and matching system are also called ground system. After three or four transformation, the two systems are used PLC centralized monitoring. Mine another command and dispatch system, scheduling system, each stand-alone