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景福宫位于紫禁城宁寿宫区东北角,是一座面阔五间、进深三间的三卷棚歇山式建筑。其组群初建于清康熙二十八年(1689),位于宁寿宫后偏东处,为仁宪皇太后居所。乾隆六旬大寿后,下旨改建康熙宁寿宫区为太上皇宫,景福宫遂选址于宁寿宫后部东北处重修建造,作为乾隆帝归政后的燕憩之所。2015年5月,天津大学建筑学院受故宫博物院委托,利用三维激光扫描等技术结合传统测绘手段对景福宫进行全面测绘,完成其空间尺寸、形制作法等建筑信息的采集和记录,获取了一手测绘数据和图像资料,绘制了详细的数字化测绘图。同时查阅相关历史文献和已有研究成果,对资料、数据进行了初步整理和分析。为裨益于后续研究的深化,本文从形制尺寸、构造作法等方面,对景福宫台基地面、大木构架、屋面、装修等的调查成果依次进行说明;并结合文献记录,解读景福宫地面遗留的历史痕迹,进而推断景福宫平面格局的变迁。 Gyeongbokgung Palace is located in the northeast corner of the Forbidden City Ningshougong District, is a mound of five, into the deep three three-volume shed Xie Shan architecture. The group was first built in the Qing Emperor Kangxi twenty-eight years (1689), is located in the east of Ningshou Palace, Renhe Xian Empress Dowager. After Emperor Qianlong’s 60th birthday, the imperial court reconstructed Ningxiu Shougong as the Imperial Palace, and the Emperor Gyeongbokgung chose to rebuild it at the northeast of the rear part of Ningshougong as a place for rest after the reign of Emperor Qianlong. In May 2015, commissioned by the National Palace Museum, Tianjin University’s School of Architecture commissioned the use of three-dimensional laser scanning and other traditional surveying and mapping techniques to conduct a comprehensive mapping of Gyeongbokgung to complete the collection and recording of building information such as space dimensions and shape practices. One hand surveying and mapping data and image data, draw a detailed digital mapping. At the same time access to relevant historical documents and research results have been made, the data, data were initially collated and analyzed. In order to benefit from the deepening of the follow-up research, this paper describes the survey results of the Gyeongbokgung platform foundation, the large wooden frame, the roof, the decoration and so on from the aspects of the dimensions and the construction methods. Legacy traces of history, and then infer the change of the landscape pattern of Gyeongbokgung.
研究了以固体石蜡作粘合剂的纯碳糊电极的电化学活化及用于色氨酸直接测定的方法。活化后的电极对色氨酸的吸附能力大大增加,在HAc-NaAc(pH=3.5)溶液中,于+0.3 V富集后,于+1.01出峰,用线扫伏安法测定时,二次