Shang Yang, also known as Wei martingale and Gongsun martingale, is a famous politician and military strategist from Wei to Qin in the mid-Warring States Period. Due to his main force of reform, Therefore, the number again for the business king. Shang Shangshu, named after Shang Yang, has been an ancient book with important ideological value and research value. However, there are many controversies and controversies over the age of creation and the authors of the articles of Shangjun, especially for the 15th People of the Nation. To a considerable extent, affected the exploration and utilization of the book of Shang Shang and Shang Yang’s political and military ideology and further research. Due to the lack of direct and indirect materials, it seems that the above problems can not be completely solved yet. However, it is not without any clues. I would like to start with its “internal evidence” and combine with limited “circumstantial evidence” Articles "made of the era and author of the issue as an immaturity test.