Alk is the sum of the concentrations of hydrogen ion acceptors such as weak acid radicals, polybasic acids, hydroxide and the like in water. It is related to the temperature, salt, depth and biological activities as well as the dissolution and sedimentation of carbonate. In estuarine estuary, it is mainly affected by hydrological factors such as continental runoff and tidal effects, and secondly by biological activities. The temporal and spatial distribution of alkalinity in area Ⅰ of this survey area is less affected by the influence of rivers and tides and shows the temporal and spatial distribution of alkalinity in shallow sea. The temporal and spatial distribution of alkalinity in area Ⅲ is strongly influenced by water and tide in Jiulong River, Degree of spatial and temporal distribution characteristics; Ⅱ area more or less affected by the fresh water in Jiulongjiang, its temporal and spatial changes have more or less some features of Ⅰ and Ⅲ area, roughly the transitional state. There is a close positive correlation between alkalinity and salinity (or chlorinity) in this survey area.