Antioxidant and antihyperlipidemic activity of Costus speciosus against atherogenic diet-induced hyp

来源 :结合医学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coldcoffee_10
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Objective:An extract of Costus speciosus (CSE),a herb widely used in folk medicine,was evaluated for its antioxidant,antihyperlipidemic and ameliorating effects on histopathological changes in atherogenic rabbits.Methods:Twenty-four male rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were divided into 4 groups.Three groups were fed a diet containing 3% saturated fat and 1.3% cholesterol for 40 d.One of these was sacrificed on the 40th day and was called the pathogenic (P) group;the other two groups received treatment for another 30 d as follows:one received 0.8 g/(kg·d) of CSE and the other was given 0.01 g/(kg·d) of simvastatin.The normal group was sacrificed on the 70th day and used as a control.Results:CSE showed radical-scavenging ability.Administration of CSE for a 30-day period resulted in a significant decrease in total cholesterol,triacylglycerol,low-density lipoprotein and aspartate aminotransferase compared to the P group,while levels of hemoglobin,packed corpuscular volume and red blood cells were elevated.With respect to studies performed on the heart,a decrease in malondialdehyde and an increase in reduced glutathione were noted.Total protein increased in the liver,heart and aorta after treatment with CSE and also a marked improvement in histopathological parameters was demonstrated.Conclusion:The present findings indicate that the C.speciosus rhizome possesses antiatherogenic and antioxidant properties which may provide protective effects against oxidative stress in atherosclerotic rabbits.
1 点压阳陵泉穴缓解胆绞痛胆囊炎、胆结石发作时,右上腹可发生剧烈绞痛。若家距医院较远,病人可在小腿外侧腓骨头下寻找压痛敏感点,此点多在阳陵泉穴上。两手大拇指分别按压此穴,持续按摩2分钟,可获良好止痛效果。  2 点压至阳穴缓解心绞痛心绞痛发作时常伴有胸部压迫、窒息感。此时可用手持5分硬币,用硬币边缘按压至阳穴(位于背部第七胸椎下。病人低头垂臂,两侧肩胛角下缘连线交于脊背正中点即是此穴),每次按压3
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