在经历了复杂和严格的筛选过程后,联通《赢在中国》108将已经产生! 从3000余名选手进入108将主要的考核手段是面试,分为国内面试和海外视频面试两个部分。 2006年5月27日和28日两天, 《赢在中国》项目组会同中华英才网组织了以150位企业家、风险投资家和51位人力资源专家组成的面试团,在全国51个考点、25个城市对国内入围选手进行了面试。所有的拍摄记录和评委评分记录在随后的两天陆续送至项目组。《赢在中国》项目组会同中华英才网组织了风险投资家和人力资源专家对上述影像资料和各地评分记录进行审
After experiencing a complicated and rigorous screening process, China Unicom “Win in China” 108 will have been created! From more than 3,000 players to 108, the main means of assessment is interview, which is divided into two parts: domestic interview and overseas video interview. On May 27 and 28, 2006, the “Win in China” project team organized a panel of 150 entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and 51 human resources experts with ChinaHR. At 51 exam sites nationwide , 25 cities interviewed domestic finalists. All the shooting records and the judges’ rating records were sent to the project team two days later. The “Win in China” project team and ChinaHR organized venture capitalists and human resources experts to review the above image data and the scoring records