On basis of basic structure of the contract :head of contract, body of contract and the tail of contract ,analyze the structure and terms of the distribution of the content of the contract, the terms of the contract payment terms through the core part of this article, the terms of delivery , claims terms , shipping terms , insurance terms and force majeure clauses, summarizes some of the common vocabulary of expression, providing some translation teaching practical examples in order to achieve the purpose of improving translation teaching efficient of contract .
1.付款条款(Terms of Payment) By Irrevocable Letter of Credit for 90% of the total invoice value of the goods to be shipped, in favour of the Sellers, payable at the issuing bank against the Seller’s draft at sight accompanied by the shipping documents stipulated in the Credit. The balance if 10% of the proceeds is to be paid only after the goods have been inspected and approved at the port of destination.
在翻译合同的付款方式的过程中要注意一些常用的表达与词语,付款方式为 “terms of payment”,很多学生将其理解为“trade terms”,翻译成了贸易术语。“Invoice value”有的学生翻译成就发票价值,实际上是指“发票面额”,“in favour of…”是指在信用证的开立时以某某为受益人,“accompanied by”不是陪伴而是指在信用证交单的时候“后附某某单据” “shipping documents”是指“货运单据”,“balance”是指付了一部分货款后,剩下需要支付的“余额”或者“尾款”,“ proceeds”在此是指“货款”的意思。掌握了以上基本的词汇后,可将以上的付款方式条款翻译成:“发票面额90%的货款通过以卖方为受益人的不可撤销信用证项下的以开证行为付款人的附货运单据的即期汇票支付,10%的尾款在货物抵达目的港检验后支付。“
2.交货条件(Delivery Terms):Certificates of Quality, Quantity, Weight and Origin are required. The Buyers have the right to have the goods re-inspected by the Guangzhou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People’s Republic of China at the port of discharge. The relevant Inspection Certificates may serve as the basis of any claim to be lodged by the Buyers against the Sellers.
交货条款往往会规定交货的一些时间,检验等内容,尤其是货的报检,要翻译好检验的交货条款,必须了解报检的体系,我国的报检包括:商检---简单说来就是商品检验、法检--法定商验、三检--商检,动植检,卫检的总称。现在已将三检合一(统称“检验检疫”,由中国国家出入境检验检疫局(CIQ)统一负责,以上条款主要是报检的内容,“Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People’s Republic of China”就是指“中华人民共和国进出口检验检疫局”,“ lodge a claim”是指“发起索赔”。
3.索赔条款(Claim):Any discrepancy about quality should be presented within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination; any discrepancy about quantity should be presented within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, both of which cases should be on the strength of the certificates issued by the related surveyor. If the Seller is liable he should send the reply together with the proposal for settlement within 20 days after receiving the said discrepancy。
在索赔条款的教学中,要反复强调合同的“契约精神”,如果在合同执行过程中不按照合同的条款执行,就会产生不必要的罚金或者撤销合同的严重后果。在以上的索赔条款中“discrepancy”一词是一个典型的商务词汇,主要意思是指信用证单据里面的“不符点”,在此条款中时指“不一致、不符合”,“present”是指“提出索赔诉求”,“ on the strength of”是指“依据…,基于…”,表达此意义的表达在商务英语里面非常多,有“In the light of”,“ By virtue of”,“ Subject to”,“ In accordance with”等等,翻译教学时要注意归纳总结这些常用的表达方式。以上的索赔条款可以翻译成:“若对品质有异议须于货物到达目的港30天内提出,数量有异议须于货物到达目的港15天提出,但均须提供相关检验机构的证明,如属卖方责任,卖方应予以收到异议20天内予以答复,并提出处理意见。
4.装运条款(Terms of Shipment):The sellers should start loading at the very day the carrying vessel chartered by the buyer arrives the port of shipment .the average loading rate is 100 metric tons perWeather Working Days .The loading of all goods should finish in 6 Weather Working Days. Demurrage is at the rate of US$ 4000 per a Weather Working Day. Dispatch rate is half the demurrage rate or prorate for any part of a Weather Working Day.
在翻译装运条款之前,需要理解几个基本的装运概念:装卸时间(lay time)是指允许完成装卸任务所约定的时间,它一般以天数或小时数来表示。装卸率(loading rare)是指每日装卸货物的数量。滞期和速遣(Demurage &FastDispatch),一般是指在班轮运输过程中,滞期是指在约定的装卸期内内未能将货物装卸完,致使船舶在港内停泊时间超过超过规定期限,给船方造成经济损失,则延迟期间的损失应按约定每天若干金额补偿给船方,这项补偿金称之为滞期费。反之,速遣费是指如按约定的装卸时间和装卸率,提前完装卸任务。使船方节省了船舶在泊港的费用开支,船方将其获利益一部分作为奖励支付给租船人,叫速谴费。故以上的内容可以翻译成:“卖方须于买方所租的载货船只到达装运港的当日开始装船。装货率为100公吨/晴天工作日,装货时间为6个晴天工作日。滞期费为每个晴天工作日4000美元,不足一天按比例计;速遣费为滞期费的一半,不足一天者按比例计。
5.保险条款(Insurance Clause):(Insurance to be effected by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against W.A and TPND as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of the people’s Insurance Company of China dated Jan1.1981).
在进行翻译条款的教学时要注意保险条款里面的一些基本知识,主要包括投保人(the insured),投保人为买卖双方的其中的一方,主要取决于贸易术语的应用,比如使用FOB的出口合同,保险就由买方投保,CIF贸易术语就由卖方投保,保险人 (the insurer)就是办理保险业务的保险公司,投保险别(coverage)是指对保险标的物投保的种类与范畴,目前通用的系统有中国人民保险公司系统与伦敦保险协会的标准,投保金额 (insurance amount)是指货物的CIF价值加成后的保险金额。表示投保的词汇主要有“effected ,covered, insured“,”110% of the invoice value“指发票面额加一成,10%是指投保的加成数为一成”, “against”一词在商务英语里面是意义最为丰富的词语之一,其主要意义有“按照…,以…为依据,投…险种,与…比较,与…兑换,对付,应对….,避免”等等意义,在此例句中“against”是指“投…险种”。TPND是指(Theft,Pilferage and Non-Delivery)“偷窃,提货不着险”,“ W.A”是指水渍险(with average或with particular average)。以上句子可译为:“保险由卖方按发票金额加一成投保水渍险和偷窃提货不着险,按1981年1月1日版的中国人民保险公司海洋货物运输保险条款办理。”
6.不可抗力条款(Force Majeure):Any event or circumstance beyond control shall be regarded as Force Majeure but not restricted to fire, wind, flood, earthquake, explosion, rebellion, epidemic, quarantine and segregation. In case either party that encounters Force Majeure fails to fulfill the obligation under the contract, the other party should extend the performance time by period equal to the time that Fore Majeure will last.
表示“不可抗力”有4个词或词组,分别是英文:act of God(上帝的安排),法文:Force Majeure,以及拉丁文:Vis Major,它们通常均被翻译为“不可抗力”;还有一个相关的英文单词叫contingency,本来指“突发事件,意外事件”,但在实践应用中,也常指不可抗力。国际贸易合同中不可抗力条款一般包括不可抗力的事故范围,事件发生后通知对方的时间及方式,证明该事件发生的证明及善后工作的处理方式,对不可抗力事件范畴的界定是该条款的核心内容。在对此条款的教学过程中要注意词语“party” 意指“签约双方的当事方”,“ not restricted to“是指”不仅限于…“也就是说除了一些情形之外还包括其他的情形以上的不可抗力条款可以译为:“如果遭遇无法控制的事情或情形应视为不可抗力,但不仅限于火灾、风灾、水灾、地震、爆炸、叛乱、传染、检疫、隔离。如不可抗力一方因故不能履行合同规定的义务,另一方应延长合同的履约时间,所延长的时间应与不可抗力事件持续的时间相等。 ”
7.仲裁条款(arbitration):All disputes in connection with the Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiations. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case should then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The arbitration shall take place in Shanghai and the decision rendered by the Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek resource to the law court or other authorities for revising the decision. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.
仲裁条款一般包括仲裁的事由、仲裁地点、仲裁机构及其援用的仲裁流程及规章的选定、仲裁裁决的法律效力、仲裁费用的划分等内容。是外贸过程中签约双方就将来可能发生的争议约定提交仲裁解决,是在合同中用一个约定性条款,仲裁条款是解决实际外贸纠纷最常见的约束形式。在对仲裁的条款的翻译教学中应特别注意“be submitted to ”“提交到….”,“ final and binding”“终局的对双方都有约束力”因为仲裁具有对法律的排他性。“be borne by”是指“由某方承担费用”, “losing party”是在仲裁过程中的“败诉方”以上的仲裁条款可以翻译为:“因执行合同或与合同有关所引起的一切争议应事先通过友好协商解决,若协商未果,该争端应提交至中国国际贸易促进会外贸仲裁委员会申请仲裁。仲裁地点为上海,仲裁委员会做出的裁决为终局性的且对双方都有约束力。任何一方不得到法院诉讼或向其他部门修改仲裁决议。仲裁费用由败诉方承担。”
On basis of basic structure of the contract :head of contract, body of contract and the tail of contract ,analyze the structure and terms of the distribution of the content of the contract, the terms of the contract payment terms through the core part of this article, the terms of delivery , claims terms , shipping terms , insurance terms and force majeure clauses, summarizes some of the common vocabulary of expression, providing some translation teaching practical examples in order to achieve the purpose of improving translation teaching efficient of contract .
1.付款条款(Terms of Payment) By Irrevocable Letter of Credit for 90% of the total invoice value of the goods to be shipped, in favour of the Sellers, payable at the issuing bank against the Seller’s draft at sight accompanied by the shipping documents stipulated in the Credit. The balance if 10% of the proceeds is to be paid only after the goods have been inspected and approved at the port of destination.
在翻译合同的付款方式的过程中要注意一些常用的表达与词语,付款方式为 “terms of payment”,很多学生将其理解为“trade terms”,翻译成了贸易术语。“Invoice value”有的学生翻译成就发票价值,实际上是指“发票面额”,“in favour of…”是指在信用证的开立时以某某为受益人,“accompanied by”不是陪伴而是指在信用证交单的时候“后附某某单据” “shipping documents”是指“货运单据”,“balance”是指付了一部分货款后,剩下需要支付的“余额”或者“尾款”,“ proceeds”在此是指“货款”的意思。掌握了以上基本的词汇后,可将以上的付款方式条款翻译成:“发票面额90%的货款通过以卖方为受益人的不可撤销信用证项下的以开证行为付款人的附货运单据的即期汇票支付,10%的尾款在货物抵达目的港检验后支付。“
2.交货条件(Delivery Terms):Certificates of Quality, Quantity, Weight and Origin are required. The Buyers have the right to have the goods re-inspected by the Guangzhou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People’s Republic of China at the port of discharge. The relevant Inspection Certificates may serve as the basis of any claim to be lodged by the Buyers against the Sellers.
交货条款往往会规定交货的一些时间,检验等内容,尤其是货的报检,要翻译好检验的交货条款,必须了解报检的体系,我国的报检包括:商检---简单说来就是商品检验、法检--法定商验、三检--商检,动植检,卫检的总称。现在已将三检合一(统称“检验检疫”,由中国国家出入境检验检疫局(CIQ)统一负责,以上条款主要是报检的内容,“Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People’s Republic of China”就是指“中华人民共和国进出口检验检疫局”,“ lodge a claim”是指“发起索赔”。
3.索赔条款(Claim):Any discrepancy about quality should be presented within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination; any discrepancy about quantity should be presented within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, both of which cases should be on the strength of the certificates issued by the related surveyor. If the Seller is liable he should send the reply together with the proposal for settlement within 20 days after receiving the said discrepancy。
在索赔条款的教学中,要反复强调合同的“契约精神”,如果在合同执行过程中不按照合同的条款执行,就会产生不必要的罚金或者撤销合同的严重后果。在以上的索赔条款中“discrepancy”一词是一个典型的商务词汇,主要意思是指信用证单据里面的“不符点”,在此条款中时指“不一致、不符合”,“present”是指“提出索赔诉求”,“ on the strength of”是指“依据…,基于…”,表达此意义的表达在商务英语里面非常多,有“In the light of”,“ By virtue of”,“ Subject to”,“ In accordance with”等等,翻译教学时要注意归纳总结这些常用的表达方式。以上的索赔条款可以翻译成:“若对品质有异议须于货物到达目的港30天内提出,数量有异议须于货物到达目的港15天提出,但均须提供相关检验机构的证明,如属卖方责任,卖方应予以收到异议20天内予以答复,并提出处理意见。
4.装运条款(Terms of Shipment):The sellers should start loading at the very day the carrying vessel chartered by the buyer arrives the port of shipment .the average loading rate is 100 metric tons perWeather Working Days .The loading of all goods should finish in 6 Weather Working Days. Demurrage is at the rate of US$ 4000 per a Weather Working Day. Dispatch rate is half the demurrage rate or prorate for any part of a Weather Working Day.
在翻译装运条款之前,需要理解几个基本的装运概念:装卸时间(lay time)是指允许完成装卸任务所约定的时间,它一般以天数或小时数来表示。装卸率(loading rare)是指每日装卸货物的数量。滞期和速遣(Demurage &FastDispatch),一般是指在班轮运输过程中,滞期是指在约定的装卸期内内未能将货物装卸完,致使船舶在港内停泊时间超过超过规定期限,给船方造成经济损失,则延迟期间的损失应按约定每天若干金额补偿给船方,这项补偿金称之为滞期费。反之,速遣费是指如按约定的装卸时间和装卸率,提前完装卸任务。使船方节省了船舶在泊港的费用开支,船方将其获利益一部分作为奖励支付给租船人,叫速谴费。故以上的内容可以翻译成:“卖方须于买方所租的载货船只到达装运港的当日开始装船。装货率为100公吨/晴天工作日,装货时间为6个晴天工作日。滞期费为每个晴天工作日4000美元,不足一天按比例计;速遣费为滞期费的一半,不足一天者按比例计。
5.保险条款(Insurance Clause):(Insurance to be effected by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against W.A and TPND as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of the people’s Insurance Company of China dated Jan1.1981).
在进行翻译条款的教学时要注意保险条款里面的一些基本知识,主要包括投保人(the insured),投保人为买卖双方的其中的一方,主要取决于贸易术语的应用,比如使用FOB的出口合同,保险就由买方投保,CIF贸易术语就由卖方投保,保险人 (the insurer)就是办理保险业务的保险公司,投保险别(coverage)是指对保险标的物投保的种类与范畴,目前通用的系统有中国人民保险公司系统与伦敦保险协会的标准,投保金额 (insurance amount)是指货物的CIF价值加成后的保险金额。表示投保的词汇主要有“effected ,covered, insured“,”110% of the invoice value“指发票面额加一成,10%是指投保的加成数为一成”, “against”一词在商务英语里面是意义最为丰富的词语之一,其主要意义有“按照…,以…为依据,投…险种,与…比较,与…兑换,对付,应对….,避免”等等意义,在此例句中“against”是指“投…险种”。TPND是指(Theft,Pilferage and Non-Delivery)“偷窃,提货不着险”,“ W.A”是指水渍险(with average或with particular average)。以上句子可译为:“保险由卖方按发票金额加一成投保水渍险和偷窃提货不着险,按1981年1月1日版的中国人民保险公司海洋货物运输保险条款办理。”
6.不可抗力条款(Force Majeure):Any event or circumstance beyond control shall be regarded as Force Majeure but not restricted to fire, wind, flood, earthquake, explosion, rebellion, epidemic, quarantine and segregation. In case either party that encounters Force Majeure fails to fulfill the obligation under the contract, the other party should extend the performance time by period equal to the time that Fore Majeure will last.
表示“不可抗力”有4个词或词组,分别是英文:act of God(上帝的安排),法文:Force Majeure,以及拉丁文:Vis Major,它们通常均被翻译为“不可抗力”;还有一个相关的英文单词叫contingency,本来指“突发事件,意外事件”,但在实践应用中,也常指不可抗力。国际贸易合同中不可抗力条款一般包括不可抗力的事故范围,事件发生后通知对方的时间及方式,证明该事件发生的证明及善后工作的处理方式,对不可抗力事件范畴的界定是该条款的核心内容。在对此条款的教学过程中要注意词语“party” 意指“签约双方的当事方”,“ not restricted to“是指”不仅限于…“也就是说除了一些情形之外还包括其他的情形以上的不可抗力条款可以译为:“如果遭遇无法控制的事情或情形应视为不可抗力,但不仅限于火灾、风灾、水灾、地震、爆炸、叛乱、传染、检疫、隔离。如不可抗力一方因故不能履行合同规定的义务,另一方应延长合同的履约时间,所延长的时间应与不可抗力事件持续的时间相等。 ”
7.仲裁条款(arbitration):All disputes in connection with the Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiations. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case should then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The arbitration shall take place in Shanghai and the decision rendered by the Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek resource to the law court or other authorities for revising the decision. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.
仲裁条款一般包括仲裁的事由、仲裁地点、仲裁机构及其援用的仲裁流程及规章的选定、仲裁裁决的法律效力、仲裁费用的划分等内容。是外贸过程中签约双方就将来可能发生的争议约定提交仲裁解决,是在合同中用一个约定性条款,仲裁条款是解决实际外贸纠纷最常见的约束形式。在对仲裁的条款的翻译教学中应特别注意“be submitted to ”“提交到….”,“ final and binding”“终局的对双方都有约束力”因为仲裁具有对法律的排他性。“be borne by”是指“由某方承担费用”, “losing party”是在仲裁过程中的“败诉方”以上的仲裁条款可以翻译为:“因执行合同或与合同有关所引起的一切争议应事先通过友好协商解决,若协商未果,该争端应提交至中国国际贸易促进会外贸仲裁委员会申请仲裁。仲裁地点为上海,仲裁委员会做出的裁决为终局性的且对双方都有约束力。任何一方不得到法院诉讼或向其他部门修改仲裁决议。仲裁费用由败诉方承担。”