伟大的革命作家茅盾(沈雁冰)同志逝世了,噩耗传来,使我感到万分悲痛,这不仅是中国文艺界无法弥补的损失,也是世界文坛的一个巨大损失。茅盾同志是我们的前辈,我和他见面很晚(迟到1951年);但读他主编的革新后的《小说月报》(商务印书馆出版),1922年在我读中学的时候就开始了,我们一群小青年最爱读的是北京的《晨报副镌》和上海的《小说月报》,由于一些前辈作家经常在上面发表他们的作品,使我们得到学习和借鉴。沈雁冰是我们最早熟悉的作家兼编辑的名字之一。二十年代和三十年代的作家们,恐怕很少不受《小说月报》的影响吧! 茅盾同志从1921到1922,编辑《小说月报》虽然只有短短的两年(后来就由郑振铎同
Comrade Mao Dun (Shen Yanbing), a great revolutionary writer, died. The bad news spread me deeply and deeply. This is not only an irreparable loss to the Chinese literary and art circles, but also a tremendous loss to the world literary world. Comrade Mao Dun was our predecessor and I met him late (as late as 1951); but his updated monthly “Novel” (published by the Commercial Press), which he edited, began when I was in high school in 1922 Most of our young people love to read the Beijing Morning Post and Shanghai’s Novel Monthly, because some of the older writers often publish their works above, so that we can learn from it. Shen Yanbing is one of the earliest familiar authors and editors. The writers of the 1920s and 1930s are seldom influenced by the “Monthly of Fiction.” From 1921 to 1922, Comrade Mao Dun edited the “Fiction Monthly” although it was only for a short period of two years (later edited by Zheng Zhenduo with