长期生活在煤矿的人,饱尝煤灰烟尘的污染,谁都希望真正有一天见到的是绿香净美的花园式矿城。而德国煤矿在这方面,就很值得我们借鉴。 在德国进修期间,我们参观过近十个大型煤矿。它们的特点基本都是地面建筑规模小,绿化面积大,环境幽雅卫生,外表很难找到我们常见煤矿的那些特有痕迹。每个矿的建筑物一般不到十处,周围全由茂密的树林环抱。中间的空地除了一个面积较大的停车场外,其余全被齐整的绿草坪和花坛覆盖,倒像一个绿树掩映、花草点缀的游览胜地。井架、煤仓、运煤走廊、洗煤厂都是全封闭积木式的,外表涂上鲜亮的色彩,确难找到煤的痕迹,也听不到机器的轰鸣声。在平坦整洁的水泥或柏油路面上,
People who have lived in coal mines for a long time have suffered from the pollution of soot and dust. Everyone hopes that one day they will see a garden-style mining city that is green and beautiful. The German coal mine is worthy of our reference. During our studies in Germany, we visited nearly 10 large coal mines. Their characteristics are basically the small scale of the ground construction, the large green area, the elegant and hygienic environment, and the appearance of unique traces of our common coal mines. Each mine has less than ten buildings and is surrounded by lush forests. In addition to a larger parking lot, the rest of the middle ground is covered by neat green lawns and flower beds. It is like a resort dotted with green trees and flowers. The derrick, coal bunker, coal transportation corridor, and coal washing plant are all closed building blocks. The exterior is painted in bright colors. It is difficult to find traces of coal and the sound of roaring of machines is not heard. On flat and clean cement or asphalt roads,